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Reading #2: Myself (control group)

The spread is as shown above and laid out in the directions given by Wenzell Brown in his book How to Tell Fortunes With Cards. I've done this follow-up reading as a sort of control group, per suggestion, so as to minimalize any so-called influence that I may have had over the deck; which I propose was none since I put no forethought or introspective energy into the draw. The deck used is a vintage pack of 1985 Virginia Slims Cigarettes cards with the saying "Baby, You've Come A Long Way" emblazoned upon them.

Center Card

"By and large, the central card (number 1) represents either the Querent (the sitter), his personality and the nature of his problems, or the primary influences which are moving through his life at the present moment."

Seven of Diamonds 

"The Seven of Diamonds is often a card of distress. It represents an unresolved problem weighing upon the Querent. Usually it involves finances although it may relate to domestic or business situations in which monetary matters are of secondary importance. Often there is a delayed decision. Circumstances which obscure the real issues of the problem make a solution difficult. 

"When the Seven of Diamonds lies in the middle of the spread it may represent a problem which casts a shadow over the Querent's life and is preventing his progress towards the goals he desires. When this is so, it may be that the problem is not a difficult of a solution as it appears, that the hazard can be removed or, at least, progress need not be delayed by the uncertainty which the dilemma creates. The nature of the problems will be suggested by the remaining cards in the spread. 

"Where the Seven of Diamonds is prominent in the spread, the utmost tact is required on the part of the Reader. If he notices that the Querent is unduly agitated, he should do what he can to calm him down. He should avoid giving too concrete advice, but should discuss the problem in general terms. The cards should guide him in finding material helpful to the Querent in establishing attitudes which will enable him to act according to his best judgment. 

"Frequently the Querent is voluble in his desire to discuss his problem and presses the Reader for direct answers. When this occurs, the Reader should draw attention to the strong cards in the spread, those that indicate qualities such as generosity, courage in the face of adversity, the capacity to form friendships, etc. The Querent should then be advised to explore the ways in which these characteristics can be used to his benefit. 

"Where the Seven of Diamonds appears on the upper wings of the spread, the indication is that a distressing situation may arise, but that it can be avoided or minimized if the Querent recognizes it in time. If the Seven of Diamonds is found in the lower wings of the spread, the problem may involve the Querent only indirectly. For instance, misfortune may befall a friend or circumstances may cause disturbances in his employment, his social activities or his business interests. 

"Inherent in the Seven of Diamonds is the possibility of advantageous solution. This card does not mark catastrophe, but a problem and the need to chart a course of action. If strong cards lie beyond the Seven of Diamonds, there is a promise that benefits may arise out of a period if discomfort or anxiety which could not have occurred otherwise.

Second Card:

Ace of Hearts

"The Ace of Hearts is a card of pleasure. It promises joy, merriment, love and fertility. However, when badly placed in the spread, it can be a warning of dissipation, waste, and a sacrifice of spiritual values for transitory pleasure.

"Like all Aces, it is a card of explosive force. It may predict strong, romantic attachment, birth or re-birth of spiritual faith and joy.

"When found in the middle of the spread, the joy will be an integral part of the Querent's personality. If there are a number of face cards or tens in the spread, the Querent will have the opportunity for new, varied and pleasurable social contacts. He will be the hub of festivities and he will possess friends whose regard for him is much greater than he realizes.

"If the Ace of Hearts is flanked by Clubs, the joy is likely to be more subdued, to be accompanied by peace and quiet joy. Where there is a preponderance of Diamonds in the spread, there is a promise of business success and increased satisfaction in work.

"When the Ace of Hearts lies in the lower left wing of the spread, the indication is that the Querent is an object of love, adulation or devotion of which he is not aware, or which he does not reciprocate. Especially where the central cards are Spades, the Querent may feel himself unloved because he has not taken time to cultivate the people around him or has failed to do so through shyness, cynicism, preoccupation with personal affairs or because he has underestimated his own capacity to win the love of others.

"Whenever the Ace of Hearts appears it should be accepted as a challenge to share joy with others. It indicates that the Querent has not taken full advantage of the gifts with which he has been endowed.

"Traditionally, the Ace of Hearts is the card of young lovers and gives promise of marriage and children. However, this is too literal a concept. Love has many facets. It is the unifying force that draws people together in happiness. It is interesting to note that in early Tarot cards, love was depicted in a three-fold pattern: joy in one's self, love of another and the outward spreading of the love to enfold many others. Only when love contains all three of these aspects is it complete.

"Where the Ace of Hearts dominates the pack, the Querent should be advised to extend his circle of friends. He is gifted in bringing to the surface the latent good in others. He should do well in social work, the ministry, teaching any other business or profession which brings him into contact with large numbers of people.

"When the Ten of Spades stands between the Ace of Hearts and a face card, the indication is that a barrier exists which prevents a satisfying relationship with another person but that the barrier can be swept aside. The Reader should advise the Querent to give serious thought to this problem, for its satisfactory solution will add to his own happiness.

"When the Nine of Spades lies beside the Ace of Hearts or blocks one of the wings, the Querent should be warned that a situation which imperils his happiness exists. Perhaps his joy has blinded him so that he has given unwitting offense to others or failed to take safeguards to protect himself from misfortune. If this is so, he would be wise to make a sober appraisal of his situation to assure a more permanent happiness."

Third Card

Six of Clubs

"The Six of Clubs speaks of opportunities for a burgeoning social life.  Often it is referred to as the card of dancing and merriment but it does not represent thoughtless gaiety. The pleasures which it promises are partly of the mind and spirit, which can alter the Querent's outlook and change his life. In some of the Gypsy packs, the Six of Clubs indicates a journey and a change of abode. But the journey may be within the mind and the change of abode may represent a difference in the Querent's thoughts, attitudes and general outlook.

"Usually the Six of Clubs is a card of good fortune in which spiraling social prestige brings with it other advantages such as financial benefits, increased security and the possibility of love.

"In the Tarot cards, the Six of Clubs is sometimes represented by a merchant giving alms to beggars, an indication of his success as well as his goodness of heart, but the card gives a warning against vanity, patronizing attitudes and jealousy.

"If the Ten of Spades, the Two of Spades, or the Five of Diamonds lies beside the Six of Clubs, care should be taken to establish a proper balance between the quest for pleasure and the more serious aspects of life in order that they may be blended into a harmonious whole."

My interpretation: as with the first reading there is an undercurrent of a cloud over said Querent's life. Which is highly accurate and was discussed in the first reading. While I shirk at the prospect of a booming social life I am attempting to form some sort of impersonal seance circle so that definitely rings true even to the skeptic within.

Fourth Card

"The three cards in the upper right wing (number 4 [L], 8 [C], 12 [R]) indicate the course into which the Querent's life would normally flow unless checked by some positive action on his part."

King of Diamonds

"The King of Diamond represents a tremendously complex man, subtle, artistic, highly intelligent, with many hidden facets to his personality. he is prone to quick temper, though he may conceal this to forward his own ends. If he does not, he will possess a biting wit which creates many enemies for him. He has the capacity for rigid self-control, but may give way to rages and even violence.

"This man is a creator. He is possessed of a driving, restless force that will give him no peace but which acts as a spur so that he is constantly seeking some fresh achievement. He is a skilled organizer, quick to see values especially in such fields as art, the theatre, literature, advertising or business enterprises which require vision and quick grasp of ambitious plans. His failings are lack of tact, disinterest in detail, impatience and a tendency to underestimate others.

"He is mercurial in temperament. He can be suave, ingratiating and highly attractive to women. However, he is likely to be cursed with a streak of cruelty, to ride roughshod over those who stand in his way. When he is in the throes of some creative passion, he will be completely absorbed, seemingly indifferent or even callous in his relationship to his associates and even his family.

"Despite this he has a strong sense of family unity, especially if it concerns his children. His loyalties can be deep and intense although often shrouded by the appearance of offhandedness or overly sharp criticism.

"He is a master of subtlety, indirection and intrigue, but capable of generous gestures and lofty ideals. Despite his appearance of aggressiveness, he can be easily hurt and he craves acceptance and a circle of warm friends. His moods may shift with lightning speed. Elation may be followed by dark despair and overpowering depression. Beneath his external self-confidence is self-doubt and fear of inadequacy. He badly needs someone to bolster his ego and a confidante to whom he can impart his soaring ambitions. While he may lash out at such a person in a fit of anger or frustration, he will later be contrite and will seek to make redress with exaggerated praise, expensive gifts, cajolery or elaborate gestures.

"He is a natural born actor, though he rarely is attracted to the stage because he dislikes to take direction. He prefers the world as his theatre and throws himself into rôle after rôle. He is likely to be a man of excess and should be chary of overeating, drugs, alcohol and other stimulants.

"Where the King of Diamonds appears in the middle of the spread of the male Querent, the indication is that he has many of the attributes of this card. He should be cautioned to direct his talents into constructive channels, to guard his temper, to establish loyal friendships and to avoid excess and a tendency ti try to move ahead too rapidly. Such a man has a great need for a warm, intimate relationship with a woman but his selection must be made with consummate care. He may find the ideal helpmate in the Queen of Spades whose outer calm, intuitive powers and recognition of artistic leanings in others will give him ballast in his periods of discouragement and will add to his sense of accomplishment when he has been successful. However, he is likely to prefer the adoring Queen of Hearts of whom he may soon tire, or the more frivolous Queen of Clubs who is less likely to offer him the stability which he requires.

"The female Querent who finds the King of Diamonds in the middle of the spread, is either in close contact with a many-talented and complex man, or will meet such a man in the near future. It may be that the presence of this card is a warning that she has not recognized the soaring aspirations, the dreams, the hidden skills and latent talents of a husband, son, suitor of companion. If this is so, she should try to establish a closer rapport with this man, for she will find her own life will made richer, more exciting and more meaningful by achieving a unity of mind and spirit with the King of Diamonds.

"When this card is in the upper left-hand wing, the female Querent may have a choice of linking herself to the King of Diamonds or of keeping clear of him. In this case, she should examine her own personality with care. Does she wish to lead a turbulent, explosive life in which she must subjugate her own personality to that of another? Has she the stability, the tolerance, the generosity of spirit and mind to grapple with the problems which such a union will bring? She may help raise such a man to the heights of success, but there will be many disappointments and heartbreaks along the way. If she fails, she may do both the man and herself a grave injustice. This is the road which only the stalwart should choose.

"If the Querent is male and the King of Diamonds lies in the upper wings of the spread, the indication is of a close alliance between the Querent and a man of mercurial temperament. This may be a friendship, a father-son relationship, or a business association but, in most cases, the intimacy will extend beyond this. The Querent will be likely to act either in the rôle of patron or protege of the King of Diamonds. This may be a fruitful relationship and one filled with promise, but the Querent should be warned not to be bedazzled by his associate's brilliance. He must keep his own personality and integrity intact, lest he become a puppet of a more forceful individual.

"The King of Diamonds, when found in the lower wings of the spread, may spell opportunity or disaster. The other cards in the spread should provide the clues as to what the King of Diamonds may have to offer and whether or not it should be accepted.

"When the King of Diamonds appears in these lower wings, he will enter the Querent's life for a brief period of time and then depart. If the Querent is a woman, she will not be able to hold this man, no matter how hard she may try. If the Querent is a man, he should beware of any impulsive action which may destroy the foundation of his business or his social or family life."

Fifth Card

Five of Spades

"The Five of Spades is the card of separation. Its appearance in the middle of the spread is likely to mean that the Querent will break old ties, change employment, settle in a new location or travel extensively. Inherent in the Five of Spades is a sens of grief, sorrow and sometimes remorse. Traditionally the Five of Spades is associated with tears but, in most cases, the change is voluntarily made. The sorrow which comes from leaving old friends may be compensated by meeting new situations, finding enlarged patterns of experience and constructing a more pleasurable life. 

"The separation may be symbolic or spiritual rather than physical. Ideas previously accepted may be rejected. Concepts may change. Prejudices may evaporate. Long established judgments may alter. Illusions may die. "The cards close to the Five of Spades indicate the nature of the separation and whether it will bring eventual joy or sadness to the Querent. If the separation born of quarrels, bitterness or strife, the Reader should advise the Querent to examine his plans for change and not to act with precipitation or through anger. If he can divorce himself from undesirable reactions to what seem and intolerable situation, it is possible that the separation can take place with a minimum of grief or ill will. 

"When the Five of Spades appears in the upper right wing of the spread, it frequently means that someone close to the Querent will depart from his life or that a situation with which he has long been familiar will change. If the Five of Spades is flanked by Diamonds, the indication is a shift of business relationships. If the Five of Spades appears in the upper left wing, the separation will be optional. The two remaining cards of the wing will hint at the effects of the change should the Querent decide to follow this pattern. 

"If the Five of Spades appears in the lower wings of the spread, the indication is that the separation will be incidental to other matters. The person or situation removed from the Querent's life may be of importance only in that it affects his business, finances or social life. 

"Under no circumstances is the Five of Spades a card of death. At its worst this card may mean loss of friendships through quarrels, vituperation or anger. Frequently a swift clean-cut cleavage from an established pattern of life if preferable to maintaining a situation fraught with petty annoyances, irritation, bickering, distrust and other forms of unpleasantness. 

"Because radical change and separation from friends, family or employment always involves unforeseeable dangers as well as opportunities, it is unwise for the Reader to make positive recommendations. His advice should be restricted to guiding the Querent toward the recognition of his innermost feelings so that he will not take irrevocable steps before testing their advisability against his mature judgment."

Sixth Card

Five of Clubs

"The Five of Clubs warns that care must be taken to avoid a rift between friends. There is danger of a quarrel that will cause the Querent grief unless he takes steps to prevent it. This is not a lover's tiff or a disagreement between husband and wife. The quarrel is much more likely to be between the Querent and a person of his own sex unless a face card representing the opposite sex lies next to the The Five of Clubs. 

"This card symbolizes rivalry, competition, strife and jealousy. It warns the Querent not to flaunt his own success or to resent the social success of others. Should the The Five of Clubs appear in the middle of the spread, the Querent may find hidden hostilities among his associates which he does not suspect. Unless he guards his temper and shows unusual consideration, he may suffer a social setback and alienate individuals whose friendship he cherishes. The prominence of the position of the card in the spread is an indication of the serious after-effects of a quarrel which may seem insignificant in its early stages. 

"If the The Five of Clubs appears on the upper wings of the spread, the quarrel is one which can be avoided and the other cards in the wing should direct the Reader in guiding the Querent away from a situation which can only bring sorrow and regret. 

"If the The Five of Clubs appears on the lower wings of the spread, the quarrel is much more likely to relate to a specific matter. In this case the ill will of another, not necessarily an intimate, may cause the Querent to be disappointed in some project of a social nature which is of importance to him. In the lower left wing, this lack of success may spring from a set of circumstances for which no one individual is responsible and, if this is the case, the Querent should be warned not to attempt to place blame. Actually a seeming loss of prestige may have beneficial results, which may be made known through the cards adjoining the The Five of Clubs."

My interpretation: it's probably a bad ideal both to use a deck with ambiguous feminist face cards depicting women in positions of both Jack and King, as well as interpreting your own "fortune" since the insight is often tainted by wont over wherefore. That said, I picked up on the fact that the mercurial King, supposedly my same self who does share personal aspects of mine, would be best accommodated by the Dark Woman in the Queen of Spades, as also mentioned in the first reading. That aside, the reading parallels the first in that both the black Five of Clubs and Spades appeared in the upper right wings of each. 

Seventh Card

"The three cards in the upper left wing (number 13 [L], 9 [C], 5 [R]) offer the Querent an alternate route which he may follow if he so desires. This wing designates possibilities which are open to him. Whether this alternate route is desirable or one which will be dangerous to him depends upon the cards themselves."

The Joker

"The Joker was originally "The Fool" of the Tarot cards. He represents a reversal of conventional standards, the independent spirit who walks alone, complete within himself, lacking all fear, guided by forces of nature and arcane wisdom.

"In material affairs the Joker may stand for unconsidered actions, folly and eccentricity but, in spiritual matters, he represents originality, audacity and venturesome quest. It is said by the Gypsies that he 'possesses the foolishness of God which is greater than the wisdom of men.'

"When the Joker appears in the middle of the spread, the indication is that the Querent has attained in some degree, or seeks to attain, freedom from physical restraints, grandeur of vision and the superior wisdom which men term folly. He is no longer bound by conventions and he has rid himself of pettiness, jealousy and covetousness so that he rises above human tragedy, pain or adversity to find a perfect unity of mind and spirit.

"Obviously only on he rarest of occasions can such perfection be achieved. The presence of the Joker does not represent an accomplished fact, but brings to the Querent's recognition the tremendous spiritual forces with which he is surrounded. It highlights his aspirations to adapt himself to a mode of life in keeping with his noblest instincts.

"Inevitably he will find himself bound by earthly restrictions, the nature of which may be indicated by the cards which adjoin the Joker.

"When the Joker appears in the upper left wing of the spread, the indication is that the Querent will be faced with a choice of rejecting worldly goods to attain spiritual freedom, or of accepting material restrictions in order to assume social responsibilities.

"On the lower wings of the spread, the Joker is likely to relate to more specific situations wherein the Querent may act in accordance with his highest ideals or may compromise with his conscience for personal profit, social acceptance or other practical reasons.

"The Joker is also a warning that all is not as it seems, that there are hidden meanings beneath the obvious messages which can be read in the cards. Where the Joker appears, the Reader must take especial care in interpreting the spread and beware of pitfalls wherein a literal reading of the card may lead to a reversal of truth. The Joker is a card of duality that tends to shroud the future in mystery.

"(Caution to the Reader: It may be advisable for the relatively inexperienced Reader to omit any Jokers from the spread as its appearance complicates the reading. Also, care should be taken not to introduce a Joker into a used pack of cards because its relatively untouched surface may tempt the Reader or the Querent to select it when otherwise it would be rejected.)"

Eighth Card

Four of Spades

"The Four of Spades is a card of recuperation or healing. It may mark the end of a period of sickness, prolonged anxiety or strife.

"On the surface this may appear to be a period of wasted time and energy, but in actuality it is a pause to renew strength. On the physical plane, the Four of Spades indicates a time of convalescence after which the individual will be restored to health. On the spiritual level it indicates a cessation of uncertainty, indecision and futility. Quiet and rest will result in fresh beginnings, renewed determination, deeper insight and richer concepts of living."

Ninth Card

"The appearance of the King of Spades in the spread indicates the presence of a man of powerful and dominating personality. He is likely to be highly intelligent, stable, ambitious, honest and motivated by practicality and reason.

"If the Querent is male and the King appears in the middle of the spread, this may be an indication of his own personality. If the King appears in the wings, he is more likely to be a father, employer, staunch friend or adviser of the Querent.

"When the Querent is a woman, the King of Spades represents a dominant male in her life. He may be father, brother, husband, friend or a man who seeks her hand in marriage.When the King lies in the middle of the spread this man has had long association with the Querent. If the card lies in the right-wing the man has already entered into to the Querent's life, though not necessarily in an important role. If the King lies in the left wing, this man will become known to the Querent at some future date.

"Traditionally, the King of Spades has been represented as an older man of dark complexion. However, such a description is superficial. Black, in this case, does not refer to the man's coloration but to his positive nature, his virility and his capacity to control situations. Similarly, he need not necessarily be old but his outlook will be mature and not susceptible to change.

"The King of Spades is likely to lack subtlety and to see things in terms of black and white. While he is well-intentioned, he may trample upon the sensitivities of others. He tends to be a good provider, astute and business affairs, well-liked and respected by his male associates. By his own code, he is generous, reasonable and kind. On the adverse side, he may be too sure of his own judgments, heavy-handed and either unwilling or unable to understand points of view which conflict with his own. He distrusts intuitive knowledge and tends to dismiss with contempt the artistic abilities, the soaring ambitions, the cherished dreams and idealism of those about him. Such attitudes may bring about domestic crises, create ill will in business, or antagonize friends.

"If the Querent is represented by the King of Spades, he should be advised to give greater thought and consideration to those close to him. Inasmuch as he is a man of deep loyalties, kindly instincts and basic good will, he will desire to be fair and just. His preoccupation with material matters and getting things done will sometimes obscure his sense of the intricate pattern of other people's lives. If he can embrace a fresh view of spiritual and moral values, much added richness can enter his life.

"If the spread indicates that the King of Spades is a man with whom the Querent must deal, he should be reminded of the many good qualities of the man, his staunchness, his loyalty, his uncompromising honesty. Above all, this man is governed by intelligence. Open opposition or carping criticism will only strengthen his determination to have his own way, but he will be susceptible to honest appreciation of his capabilities and able to understand conflicting viewpoints if they are represented in a reasonable clear-cut fashion. He is deeply emotional, even sentimental, and when an appeal is made to his better instincts, he is highly responsive.

"Such a man tends to think in concrete terms and usually does well in business, law or engineering. In spite of his outward appearance of competence, strength and domination, he has a great need for warm personal relationships and for a woman who will give purpose to his life. He does not like to be alone and while he scorns open sentimentality, he cherishes any lover affection given to him.

"The female Querent who ponders marriage or a business relationship with such a man should be advised to examine her own personality and attitudes with great care. This is not a man who she can change or wrap around her finger. If she enters blindly into such a relationship, she may find herself broken by the experience. On the other hand, if she can promote the interests of this man and give him the warmth of emotional security which he needs, she can expect his lifelong devotion to her comfort and happiness."

My interpretation: all is not what it seems? That proclamation upon the Joker's presence in the upper wing of the spread doesn't really change anything in my mind as far as the central message of both readings are concerned. Pushing on in course with my intent regardless of the circumstances of others. The added twist of the King of Spades, as to date hasn't appeared, and thus I can't really comment on such a premise at present.

Tenth Card

"The three cards in the lower left wing (numbers 14 [L], 10 [C], 6 [R]) are generally guide posts which will assist the Querent in making his decisions. However, where the Querent is elderly, or past middle age, this wing is likely to represent elements in the past which affect his present or future circumstances. In the youthful Querent, these cards are more likely to forecast future events and offer advice as to how to prepare for them."

Six of Diamonds

"The six of diamonds is a card of well-being, physical comfort and economic security. When it lies in the middle of the spread, it may emphasize the importance of these things to the Querent. The Six of Diamonds may indicate the comfortable circumstances of the Querent or it may guide him towards securing desired ends. 

"Frequently the appearance of the Six of Diamonds in the spread offers the Querent a choice between moderate financial well-being accompanied by security and ease of mind or a more advantageous road which may be studded with pitfalls and uncertainties. This is particularly true if the Six of Diamonds is placed at the juncture of a wing. 

"If either of the upper wings shows routes leading to marked success or to misfortune, the Querent should be apprised of this. The choice may lie open to him to pyramid his success but, at the same time, he may jeopardize his security in the attempt. If the Six of Diamonds lies at the extreme of the upper right wing, the indication is that if he continues on the route he is following, he will achieve satisfying results. If the Six of Diamonds lies at the extreme of the upper left wing, the indication is that an opportunity for change will arise which, if he so desires, may reward him with a calm, secure and comfortable life. 

"When the Six of Diamonds appears in the lower wings of the spread, its meaning is somewhat altered. The indication here is that the Querent should be alert to take advantage of a situation which can be turned to his benefit. This may be a business deal which brings him a handsome profit, the sale of property or a chance episode which can bring him considerable pleasure. If a face card flanks the Six of Diamonds, it indicates that such an opportunity may arise through his association with an individual whom the face card depicts. 

"In the Six of Diamond lies the suggestion that the benefits offered may come about through unpredictable sources, such as the seemingly chance meeting with an old friend, a social gathering, a call made through kindness. Because opportunity may wear a commonplace mask, the Querent should be warned that hasty rejection of new responsibilities, or that irritation with old friends and routine work, may cause him to overlook means of securing advantages which may be of the utmost importance to him."

Eleventh Card

Five of Diamonds

"The Five of Diamonds forecasts a clash of wills. This is not to be interpreted as a quarrel, a lover's spat or an enduring feud. Usually this clash of wills will occur without acrimony. Indeed it may be so deeply submerged in the subconscious of those affected that they are unaware of the undercurrents of tension which run between them. 

"This will be a conflict of spiritual forces in which two people, closely united, accept opposing standards of values and seek different patterns in their futures. Outwardly the two people may be in accord, but their ambitions, their dreams of the future and their moral judgments set them apart. 

"This may occur in a husband-wife relationship, a business partnership or in situations relating to parent and child. Money may be involved, but this is not the crux of the conflict and it should not be permitted to obscure more important issues. 

"Sometimes, especially when the Five of Diamonds appears in the middle of the spread, there is an indication that the warring factions lie with the Querent. He may have two sets of conflicting moral codes or be torn with indecision between two patterns of living. This division in his personality may serve as a block to prevent happiness or success, causing him to vacillate or to negate his own accomplishments. 

"Inherent in the Five of Diamonds is the power to adapt, to reach a state of concord, so that the two lives can flow in harmony, each with the other. This does not necessitate compromise. Often conflicting points of view are not as divergent as they may appear. Sometimes identical long-term objectives are sought in different ways, and mere failure to interpret the objectives of another correctly may be the root of the conflict. 

"The Querent who recognizes some hidden strife that mars his happiness should be encouraged to clarify his own aspirations and objectives, to set aside petty grievances and to concentrate on the moral and spiritual values which are of greatest importance to him. Once these are clear in his own mind, he may be able to present them to the other party in such a way as to gain their acceptance. Misunderstandings may be, to a large extent, the result of a failure to communicate with those close to him. 

"While the Five of Diamonds holds the promise of renewed warmth and strength in a personal relationship, it also hints at loneliness and separation if the warning is ignored."

Twelfth Card

Two of Hearts 

"Traditionally, the Two of Hearts is a love letter or a bit of good news. "Actually this card has far greater significance, It points out the possibility of unexpected pleasure, satisfaction or joy which can be found in the ordinary routine of life. Often this promise is overlooked because it seems commonplace, or it is lost in a mass of detail. 

"Where the Two of Hearts occurs, the Querent should be advised to examine his everyday life to see if he is deriving the maximum values from it. He may be missing opportunities, worthwhile friendships or social success because he is so intent on distant goals that he is oblivious of his immediate surroundings. 

"If the Two of Hearts lies next to a face card of the opposite sex from the Querent, the intimation is that there is someone at hand who would offer love and devotion if given the chance to do so. If a face card if the same sex lies next to the Two of Hearts, it may mean that the Querent is overlooking a friendship which could be beneficial to him. If Diamonds flank the Two of Hearts, it should be suggested that the Querent search his surroundings for financial opportunities and promotion in business. Where Clubs predominate in the spread, channels for happier social relations lie open if the Querent will seek them out. 

"If the Two lies between Hearts, the Querent may be indolent or to preoccupied with the pursuit of pleasure to establish more enduring values. 

"Whatever the case, the Two of Hearts marks opportunity close at hand which can enrich the Querent's life, he has no need to shed his lofty ambitions or his dreams of the future, but he should be advised that opportunities which lie at his fingertips may be rewarding beyond his dreams."

My interpretation: since 40% of the cards (6 of 15) were repeated in the two readings which utilized different card decks it's not hard to suggest that the message is likely the same. That of separation, moving on and continuing on the path I was already on. Which entails leaving behind those who wish not to travel along. I'm fine with that because I have to be.

Thirteenth Card 

"The three cards in the lower right wing (numbers 7 [L], 11 [C], 15 [R]) usually represent specific forces at work outside of the Querent. While these forces cannot be controlled, the Querent can adapt himself to them, thus utilizing them for his own advantage."

Jack of Hearts 

"The Jack of Hearts is the card of romance. Also it is the card of folly and thoughtless abandonment to pleasure. "Where the Jack of Hearts appears, the Querent may expect a carefree interlude between the more serious pressures of life. This may mean an affair of the heart, but not necessarily so. It can represent a happy holiday, pleasant friendships, a round of parties or some other amusing break from the monotony of routine work. 

"When the Jack of Hearts lies in the middle of the spread, it may serve as a warning to the Querent to take life more seriously, to look towards the future and to avoid hedonism. The Jack of Hearts is easily tempted to excesses in eating and drinking and tends towards self-indulgence. He is by nature generous and fond of people, so that he must take care lest he become involved in unpleasant situations through his impulse to please others. 

"If the Jack of Hearts lies in the corner of any of the wings, the indication is that the Querent will meet a person whose gaiety will charm and disarm him. This association may be pleasant, stimulating and even valuable to the Querent, but he should not take the situation too seriously. If there is a romantic interlude, it should be entered into lightheartedly for the Jack of Hearts is likely to be inconstant and mercurial in temperament - here today and gone tomorrow. When the Jack faces a Spade, especially a Seven or Ten, there is a clear-cut warning of disappointment or heartbreak for the Querent if he dallies too long amid pleasures. 

"On the other hand, where the Jack of Hearts appears at the end of a wing, the Querent may look forward to a rewarding period of joy which mark the success of some enterprise for which he has worked long and hard."

Fourteenth Card 

Queen of Hearts 

"The Queen of Hearts offers pleasure, joy, unstinting and unquestioning love. She is deeply emotional and acts through instinct rather than reason. Traditionally, she is jolly, light-hearted, frivolous and gay. But she is fruitful too. While she may lack intellectual depths, she sparks ideas and serves as an inspiration to more talented people about her. She is highly sensitive to the moods of those who are fortunate enough to win her love and, through her trust and belief in them, encourages them to fulfill their desires, ambitions and aspirations.

"While she lacks creative skills, she is attracted to the arts and has a deep sensitivity for beauty in any form. Although her judgments may be at fault she errs on the side of generosity. She is never petty or mean but she can be stubborn and wilful. She responds quickly to kindness but is inclined to be easily hurt. She lacks aggression and is often impractical where her own affairs are concerned, but will show tremendous moral and physical courage in defending the objects of her love.

"On the surface the Queen of Hearts appears practical and primarily interested in creature comforts. She is a good Homemaker, an excellent cook and a devoted mother. Beneath the surface, however, she may lead a secret life filled with fantasy, aspirations and soaring ambitions for those she loves. There is an undercurrent of melancholy which she rarely shows. Her love is paralleled by enduring grief for the misfortunes which befall others in the imperfections of life.

"She is a champion of the underdog, a friend to the friendless, a crusader for justice. But she is frequently mistaken and easily imposed upon. She tends to over-evaluate people, both in the matter of skill and character. She can see no flaw in those she loves. Her own lack of subtlety blinds her to duplicity in others. Her honesty impels her to move directly to a point and sometimes to be blunt and tactless. She is outspoken in anger, but easily appeased and never bears a grudge.

"Usually she is sunny in disposition, given to laughter and small talk. She loves companionship and takes great joy in life's minutiae. Small gifts are of great importance to her and she is deeply moved by kindness. Her principal preoccupation lies in creating pleasures for others, especially the inner circle of her home and friends.

"When the Queen of Hearts lies in the middle of the spread of a female Querent, the indication is that she possesses many of the characteristics symbolized by this card. Where the other cards in the spread represent hardship, deceit or danger, this is a warning that the Querent should proceed cautiously. She should be advised against too ready acceptance of others that their face values. If a Diamond appears at the right of the Queen, she must guard herself in financial matters. If the Ten of Hearts appears at her right, she will find deep joy in a younger person, possibly in the success of a son but more likely in her close relationship with a child.

"If the Querent is a male and the Queen lies in the middle of the spread, it signifies that he is deeply loved. In this case the Queen May symbolize an entire family. If the Queen lies in the upper right or left the wings of the spread, an opportunity for great happiness will soon be open to him. If the Queen lies in the lower wings of the spread, he will meet a woman who will offer him great comfort.

"While the Queen is usually a mature woman, this may be a maturity of mind, not of years. The youthful Querent - regardless of sex - in whose spread the Queen appears, is promised the gift of a satisfying and rewarding love, though not necessarily in the immediate future."

Fifteenth Card

Four of Clubs

The Four of Clubs is a card of strengthening friendships and increased social capacities. It suggests that the Querent is held in warm affection and high regard by those about him but that he is not fully aware of this cherishing. The intimation is that, in case of need, he may find assistance from unexpected sources.

This card represents gradual growth, a day by day tightening of bonds of affection which may escape the Querent's notice. There is a hint that the Querent may feel forlorn or abandoned, but, if so, his loneliness is self-imposed. Modesty, shyness or inarticulateness may prevent the full pleasure of friendships which are available to him. If this is the case, the Querent should be advised that open friendliness on his part, together with a kindly interest in those about him, may open up gates to more rewarding social activities.

There is a suggestion that the Querent underestimates himself and that he is capable of inspiring unexpected depths of friendships and of being deemed worthy of loyalties. A fuller recognition of the regard in which he is held by others may enrich the Querent's life, but it should be counterbalanced by a more searching attempt on his part to find greater values and admirable characteristics in his associates.

My interpretation: the cards predict that I shall meet a woman who will fix everything! Haha. Not that there's really anything to be mended but rather things to be forgotten and new things discovered. Folly and friendship will follow if I allow it.


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