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Reading #8: P. L.

The deck used was the Cat and Canary pack. They were spread remotely. The spread is as shown above and laid out in the directions given by Wenzell Brown in his book How to Tell Fortunes With Cards

Center Card: "By and large, the central card (number 1) represents either the Querent (the sitter), his personality and the nature of his problems, or the primary influences which are moving through his life at the present moment."

Three of Hearts

"The Three of Hearts represents a disappointment in love, a minor setback in one's plans or an error in judgement. The appearance of the Three of Hearts is a warning that the pathway ahead is not straight, that there are pitfalls lying there to trip the unwary. 

"The Three of Hearts may also warn of self-delusion. The Querent may have a subconscious knowledge that he is handicapping himself or causing himself unhappiness by his reluctance to make changes. For a variety of reasons he may be loath to face the situation or he may hope that minor problems will solve themselves. The indication here is that he should shed impedimenta which weighs him down. If he is indolent, vacillating or indecisive, the difficulties will grow greater until they become an onerous burden. 

"Inherent in the Three of Hearts is a promise of increased happiness, success and well-being, but these are dependent upon the Querent's courage and determination. The lover's quarrel may set things aright. The temporary setback may clear the pathway to greater success. An error in judgment, once recognized, may prevent permanent unhappiness or defeat. 

"Where the Three of Hearts leads to the Nine of Hearts it has particular significance. A decision must soon be made or a positive action taken in order to secure permanent happiness. If the Three of Hearts leads to the Nine of Spades, the Querent should be advised to prepare himself to take rapid action to prevent catastrophe. But it should always be remembered that the Three of Hearts represents a choice. The danger it presents is not so much one of making an error as of drifting into a situation from which it will be increasingly difficult to extricate oneself."

Second Card:

Eight of Spades

"The Eight of Spades is a card of contentment. It represents a haven or refuge from worldly cares, a surcease from competition and trouble. It is a card of quiet pleasure, rest and relaxation, This calm joy may be found through the relationship with another person or it may be related to a place or some kind of activity such as a hobby or sport. The cards which surround the Eight should give the Reader some clues as to the nature of this benign force. 

"However, the Eight of Spades represents only a facet of the Querent's life. It is not a total card. The comfort, the pleasure which lies within the Querent's grasp is a part-time thing, a segment of his life which is separated from the mainstream of his daily activities. 

"The Querent should be warned against too great a dependency on this quiet pleasure. If he seeks to withdraw into a state of torpor and complete relaxation, thereby neglecting responsibilities, he may be due for a rude awakening in which he finds his world shattered. 

"The pleasure is there for the taking but to keep his refuge safe, he should wall it off from the rest of his life and remain vigilant lest he become imprisoned by his own sybaritic tendencies."

Third Card:

Three of Spades

"The Three of Spades is a card of sudden resolution, the swift decision to take action in a seemingly minor matter. Whether this decision will be made by the Querent or by some other person in such a way as to affect him depends upon the  position of the card in the spread. In either case the decision may be, or appear to be, motivated by vindictiveness or spite, rather than sustained judgment.

If the Three of Spades appears in the middle of the spread, the Querent should be advised not to let personal animosity warp his critical faculties. In reacting too strongly to petty annoyances he may destroy the success of long-term objectives.

Where the Three of Spades occurs in juxtaposition to a face card he may be the victim of a slur or an unfair appraisal of his intentions by another person. While this may cause him grief and stir up his resentment, he should be prepared to react with generosity and not to counter the injustice with angry denials, an exchange of accusations, threats or tears. He should be advised to lay the matter to one side until he can regard it objectively and determine whether the difficulty can be adjusted or if it should be ignored.

The Three of Spades may actually forewarn the Querent of a test or trial of his capacity to deal with unpleasant matters. Success in so doing may lead to improved conditions in business, better personal relationships and increased respect among his associates. Therefore, although the Three of Spades may forewarn of an episode which is temporarily disagreeable, it may be one which will work out to his benefit.

Whenever the Three of Spades occurs in the spread, it is wise to explore the situation more deeply. As the Querent may have no knowledge of the shape that this minor misfortune may assume, he can be caught off balance and act to his own detriment. The Reader should discuss the problem with him in abstract terms in order that he may achieve a state of mind that will be helpful at the moment when he must cope with an irritating, humiliating or disappointing situation.

My interpretation: of the three choices which the Three of Heart invokes, I am more inclined to pick the first, "a disappointment in love," just from a standpoint of feel. Which is probably a terrible thing to suggest since I know both the Querent and his significant other but such is my instinct. Since both will be reading this and chastising me for saying it, it should be noted that this is only a fortune reading and not a prediction of future certainties. That said, guarding against such a propositions or giving into it is inherent in the Three of Hearts as it represents a choice to be made.

The Querent is warned against excess in his pleasure activities and hobbies. Such excesses could spill into the stream of his daily activities and cause upheaval.

The Three of Spades suggests that the issue arising within the Three of Hearts will have a swift conclusion, one that he may have no control over, and he is advised not to act rashly as it may exacerbate the situation. A calm and rational approach could result in better understanding and an enhancement in the brief pitfalls of the relationship.

Fourth Card:

"The three cards in the upper right wing (number 4 [L], 8 [C], 12 [R]) indicate the course into which the Querent's life would normally flow unless checked by some positive action on his part."

Queen of Diamonds

"The Queen of Diamonds is a fiercely passionate woman. She has great drive and energy. Her restless mind is constantly filled with plans, schemes, devices for making money, adding to her social prestige or controlling the destinies of others. 

"She is a woman who gets things done. The Queen of Diamonds can be an invaluable friend. With her agile mind, her indomitable spirit, her fierce loyalties, she is capable of directing those about her into constructive channels, to spur and goad them to success, She is an expert organizer, often interested in charity, social reforms or politics. She is aggressive and strongly partisan. She comes to the assistance of those in whom she believes with unstinting self-sacrifice. 

"At her best the Queen of Diamonds is a creative force. It is through such individuals that progress is made. When the Queen is linked to beneficent and spiritual concepts, her influence may be tremendous and her service to humanity incalculable. On the other hand, if she is linked to forces of evil, she can do untold damage. She is shrewd and clever, but her judgments are frequently in error. Unless her materialism is leavened with idealism, she may waster her talents on petty details and schemes. While capable of grandiose visions, she may become involved in bickering, spite and gossip. She must avoid malice if the richness of her personality is to reach fruition. She is in danger of being side-tracked from high objectives by her resentment of criticism, personal dislikes or undue pride. 

"She will have to combat her quick temper, her passionate nature, her tendency to act too quickly and to have too many interests. She has an affinity for flame-red, and like the flame she can bring life into quick being, but she can also destroy. Unless she takes care, she may burn herself out, so that the declining years of her life will be empty. However, this need not be so. If she establishes enduring relationships and worthy objectives, she can accumulate interests which will give her lifelong pleasure. 

"The Queen of Diamonds holds her own destiny in her hands. She can make her life rich, fruitful and filled with pleasure. But she tends to lack patience and insight into the motives of others. Unless she is careful, she will make many enemies because, in her desire to achieve specific ends, she may walk roughshod over the feelings of those whose friendships might be invaluable to her. 

"The Queen of Diamonds is inimical to the Queen of Spades. Where both Queens appear in the spread, there is likely to be a clash of wills. Because the Queen of Spades is more subtle and intuitive, she is likely to come out the victor. When such a quarrel appears in the offing, the Queen of Diamonds would do well to guard her temper and humble her pride in order to achieve her ends. 

"When the Queen of Diamonds appears in the middle of the spread of a female Querent, it is likely to indicate her own personality. The cards which adjoin the Queen emphasize or ameliorate the characteristics of the Queen. If the spread contains a preponderance of Clubs, the indication is that the Querent tends to use her skills well and for the benefit of others. Where there is a preponderance of Diamonds, there is danger of a too great preoccupation with money or other personal ambitions which may in the end impoverish her life. A preponderance of Hearts indicates an underlying gaiety and good will. Spades may indicate wasteful quarrels and a failure to achieve a maximum happiness because of involvement in matters of relatively small importance. 

"The male Querent who finds the Queen of Diamonds in his spread will be in contact with a woman of strong personality. She may be an invaluable ally, but she must be treated with consideration. She will be easily hurt, far more sensitive than she appears and, if she is offended, she can turn into a ruthless enemy whose skills mat be employed to destroy him. However, once a true alliance is established, she will be passionately devoted to him. She can be controlled by tact and kindness and will make an interesting, challenging and often an exciting companion. The man who chooses the Queen of Diamonds for a wife cannot expect a calm or peaceful life, but he will rarely be bored. 

"Where the Queen of Diamonds appears in the outer wings of the spread, she is likely to be a woman whom the Querent will meet and who may play a significant role in his life. In such a case, the Querent should be advised not to offend this woman. She can be of great assistance in helping him achieve coveted goals and ambitions. But, if her anger is aroused, she may ply her skills to the Querent's disadvantage. When the Queen of Diamonds is in a wing and flanked by either the Nine or Ten of Spades, the Querent is warned of entanglement with a woman who will bring him sorrow or disgrace. When the Queen of Diamonds is flanked by the Nine of Diamonds or the Nine of Hearts, the indication is that the cultivation of a woman to whom the Querent is not quickly attracted may bring about the success of cherished plans or unexpected happiness."

Fifth Card:

The Joker

"The Joker was originally 'The Fool' of the Tarot cards. He represents a reversal of conventional standards, the independent spirit who walks alone, complete within himself, lacking all fear, guided by forces of nature and arcane wisdom. 

"In material affairs the Joker may stand for unconsidered actions, folly and eccentricity but, in spiritual matters, he represents originality, audacity and venturesome quest. It is said by the Gypsies that he 'possesses the foolishness of God which is greater than the wisdom of men.' 

"When the Joker appears in the middle of the spread, the indication is that the Querent has attained in some degree, or seeks to attain, freedom from physical restraints, grandeur of vision and the superior wisdom which men term folly. He is no longer bound by conventions and he has rid himself of pettiness, jealousy and covetousness so that he rises above human tragedy, pain or adversity to find a perfect unity of mind and spirit. 

"Obviously only on he rarest of occasions can such perfection be achieved. The presence of the Joker does not represent an accomplished fact, but brings to the Querent's recognition the tremendous spiritual forces with which he is surrounded. It highlights his aspirations to adapt himself to a mode of life in keeping with his noblest instincts. 

"Inevitably he will find himself bound by earthly restrictions, the nature of which may be indicated by the cards which adjoin the Joker. 

"When the Joker appears in the upper left wing of the spread, the indication is that the Querent will be faced with a choice of rejecting worldly goods to attain spiritual freedom, or of accepting material restrictions in order to assume social responsibilities. 

"On the lower wings of the spread, the Joker is likely to relate to more specific situations wherein the Querent may act in accordance with his highest ideals or may compromise with his conscience for personal profit, social acceptance or other practical reasons. 

"The Joker is also a warning that all is not as it seems, that there are hidden meanings beneath the obvious messages which can be read in the cards. Where the Joker appears, the Reader must take especial care in interpreting the spread and beware of pitfalls wherein a literal reading of the card may lead to a reversal of truth. The Joker is a card of duality that tends to shroud the future in mystery. 

"(Caution to the Reader: It may be advisable for the relatively inexperienced Reader to omit any Jokers from the spread as its appearance complicates the reading. Also, care should be taken not to introduce a Joker into a used pack of cards because its relatively untouched surface may tempt the Reader or the Querent to select it when otherwise it would be rejected.)"

Sixth Card:

Six of Diamonds

"The six of diamonds is a card of well-being, physical comfort and economic security. When it lies in the middle of the spread, it may emphasize the importance of these things to the Querent. The Six of Diamonds may indicate the comfortable circumstances of the Querent or it may guide him towards securing desired ends. 

"Frequently the appearance of the Six of Diamonds in the spread offers the Querent a choice between moderate financial well-being accompanied by security and ease of mind or a more advantageous road which may be studded with pitfalls and uncertainties. This is particularly true if the Six of Diamonds is placed at the juncture of a wing. 

"If either of the upper wings shows routes leading to marked success or to misfortune, the Querent should be apprised of this. The choice may lie open to him to pyramid his success but, at the same time, he may jeopardize his security in the attempt. If the Six of Diamonds lies at the extreme of the upper right wing, the indication is that if he continues on the route he is following, he will achieve satisfying results. If the Six of Diamonds lies at the extreme of the upper left wing, the indication is that an opportunity for change will arise which, if he so desires, may reward him with a calm, secure and comfortable life. 

"When the Six of Diamonds appears in the lower wings of the spread, its meaning is somewhat altered. The indication here is that the Querent should be alert to take advantage of a situation which can be turned to his benefit. This may be a business deal which brings him a handsome profit, the sale of property or a chance episode which can bring him considerable pleasure. If a face card flanks the Six of Diamonds, it indicates that such an opportunity may arise through his association with an individual whom the face card depicts. 

"In the Six of Diamond lies the suggestion that the benefits offered may come about through unpredictable sources, such as the seemingly chance meeting with an old friend, a social gathering, a call made through kindness. Because opportunity may wear a commonplace mask, the Querent should be warned that hasty rejection of new responsibilities, or that irritation with old friends and routine work, may cause him to overlook means of securing advantages which may be of the utmost importance to him."

My interpretation: The Queen of Diamonds suggests that a woman of powerful persuasion will either enter into his life or be a major factor in it and depending how she is handled by the Querent she can be either a comforting ally or a perturbing adversary. Though with her position being sat next to The Joker it could very well be that the roles will be reversed. Or perhaps that one will deceive the other in some future-stilting manner.

Whichever way the person trend goes it doesn't seem to have a bearing on the Querent's professional prospects. With the powerful duo of both the Queen of Diamonds and The Joker working in tandem with his goals he seems destined for future prosperity if he sticks to rigorous path of discipline.

Seventh Card:

"The three cards in the upper left wing (number 13 [L], 9 [C], 5 [R]) offer the Querent an alternate route which he may follow if he so desires. This wing designates possibilities which are open to him. Whether this alternate route is desirable or one which will be dangerous to him depends upon the cards themselves."

Five of Spades

"The Five of Spades is the card of separation. Its appearance in the middle of the spread is likely to mean that the Querent will break old ties, change employment, settle in a new location or travel extensively. Inherent in the Five of Spades is a sense of grief, sorrow and sometimes remorse. Traditionally the Five of Spades is associated with tears but, in most cases, the change is voluntarily made. The sorrow which comes from leaving old friends may be compensated by meeting new situations, finding enlarged patterns of experience and constructing a more pleasurable life. 

"The separation may be symbolic or spiritual rather than physical. Ideas previously accepted may be rejected. Concepts may change. Prejudices may evaporate. Long established judgments may alter. Illusions may die. 

"The cards close to the Five of Spades indicate the nature of the separation and whether it will bring eventual joy or sadness to the Querent. If the separation born of quarrels, bitterness or strife, the Reader should advise the Querent to examine his plans for change and not to act with precipitation or through anger. If he can divorce himself from undesirable reactions to what seem and intolerable situation, it is possible that the separation can take place with a minimum of grief or ill will. 

"When the Five of Spades appears in the upper right wing of the spread, it frequently means that someone close to the Querent will depart from his life or that a situation with which he has long been familiar will change. If the Five of Spades is flanked by Diamonds, the indication is a shift of business relationships. If the Five of Spades appears in the upper left wing, the separation will be optional. The two remaining cards of the wing will hint at the effects of the change should the Querent decide to follow this pattern. 

"If the Five of Spades appears in the lower wings of the spread, the indication is that the separation will be incidental to other matters. The person or situation removed from the Querent's life may be of importance only in that it affects his business, finances or social life. 

"Under no circumstances is the Five of Spades a card of death. At its worst this card may mean loss of friendships through quarrels, vituperation or anger. Frequently a swift clean-cut cleavage from an established pattern of life if preferable to maintaining a situation fraught with petty annoyances, irritation, bickering, distrust and other forms of unpleasantness. 

"Because radical change and separation from friends, family or employment always involves unforeseeable dangers as well as opportunities, it is unwise for the Reader to make positive recommendations. His advice should be restricted to guiding the Querent toward the recognition of his innermost feelings so that he will not take irrevocable steps before testing their advisability against his mature judgment."

Eighth Card:

Ace of Hearts

"The Ace of Hearts is a card of pleasure. It promises joy, merriment, love and fertility. However, when badly placed in the spread, it can be a warning of dissipation, waste, and a sacrifice of spiritual values for transitory pleasure. 

"Like all Aces, it is a card of explosive force. It may predict strong, romantic attachment, birth or re-birth of spiritual faith and joy. 

"When found in the middle of the spread, the joy will be an integral part of the Querent's personality. If there are a number of face cards or tens in the spread, the Querent will have the opportunity for new, varied and pleasurable social contacts. He will be the hub of festivities and he will possess friends whose regard for him is much greater than he realizes. 

"If the Ace of Hearts is flanked by Clubs, the joy is likely to be more subdued, to be accompanied by peace and quiet joy. Where there is a preponderance of Diamonds in the spread, there is a promise of business success and increased satisfaction in work.

"When the Ace of Hearts lies in the lower left wing of the spread, the indication is that the Querent is an object of love, adulation or devotion of which he is not aware, or which he does not reciprocate. Especially where the central cards are Spades, the Querent may feel himself unloved because he has not taken time to cultivate the people around him or has failed to do so through shyness, cynicism, preoccupation with personal affairs or because he has underestimated his own capacity to win the love of others. 

"Whenever the Ace of Hearts appears it should be accepted as a challenge to share joy with others. It indicates that the Querent has not taken full advantage of the gifts with which he has been endowed. 

"Traditionally, the Ace of Hearts is the card of young lovers and gives promise of marriage and children. However, this is too literal a concept. Love has many facets. It is the unifying force that draws people together in happiness. It is interesting to note that in early Tarot cards, love was depicted in a three-fold pattern: joy in one's self, love of another and the outward spreading of the love to enfold many others. Only when love contains all three of these aspects is it complete. 

"Where the Ace of Hearts dominates the pack, the Querent should be advised to extend his circle of friends. He is gifted in bringing to the surface the latent good in others. He should do well in social work, the ministry, teaching any other business or profession which brings him into contact with large numbers of people.

"When the Ten of Spades stands between the Ace of Hearts and a face card, the indication is that a barrier exists which prevents a satisfying relationship with another person but that the barrier can be swept aside. The Reader should advise the Querent to give serious thought to this problem, for its satisfactory solution will add to his own happiness. 

"When the Nine of Spades lies beside the Ace of Hearts or blocks one of the wings, the Querent should be warned that a situation which imperils his happiness exists. Perhaps his joy has blinded him so that he has given unwitting offense to others or failed to take safeguards to protect himself from misfortune. If this is so, he would be wise to make a sober appraisal of his situation to assure a more permanent happiness."

Ninth Card:

Ten of Hearts

The Ten of Hearts is a messenger and the news which he brings is usually good. The message, however, is likely to be a turbulent one, upsetting routine and raising havoc with carefully laid plans.

The Ten of Hearts is a card of optimism which will send the spirits of the recipient soaring, but he should be warned that his happiness may be temporary. Though he rejoices, he should avoid any reckless action which may jeopardize his future.

A clue to the nature of the message should be found in the cards close to the Ten. A King or Queen on either side of the Ten may mark a reunion with old friends. In the same way, Jacks or Eights indicate meetings with young people, or new friendships. Diamonds indicate that the message will relate to money, while a preponderance of Hearts in the spread augurs marriage, issue, or in the case of older people, grandchildren.

If the Two or Ten of Spades precedes the Ten of Hearts in the spread, the indication is that good news will follow news which was initially bad. There will be happy conclusion to a matter which had appeared to bring only sadness. Conversely, if the Ten of Spades follows the Ten of Hearts in the spread, the joyous news may prove to be false. If the Two of Spades is in this position, there may be a letdown or minor disappointment after the original elation which the good news has created.

My interpretation: The Five of Spades predicts separation. Which, in the case of the Querent could be as simple as going back to college in the Fall or as deep as a loss of friendship or an intimate relationship. Since the card lies in the upper left wing this indicates that the separation will be optional.

The Ace of Hearts would indicate that either the separation will be temporary or will lead to a new relationship which better suits the Querent. It foretells pleasure, self-fulfillment, joy and marriage and children, but only if all the tenets of love are in place: that being a love of self, another and those around them.

The Ten of Hearts further suggests that the separation will produce temporary happiness after which the elation will be tempered by a comedown back to reality. This would indicate a hastily thought out plan of whim which could topple the carefully laid path of the Querent. As stated in the Five of Spades, the separation is neither a foregone conclusion in a personal sense nor necessarily an upheaval of fortune but rather a natural ebb and flow in a relationship. 

Tenth Card

"The three cards in the lower left wing (numbers 14 [L], 10 [C], 6 [R]) are generally guide posts which will assist the Querent in making his decisions. However, where the Querent is elderly, or past middle age, this wing is likely to represent elements in the past which affect his present or future circumstances. In the youthful Querent, these cards are more likely to forecast future events and offer advice as to how to prepare for them."

King of Hearts

"The King of Hearts represents a man of boundless good will and integrity. He is straightforward, dependable and mild-tempered. Outwardly he is uncomplicated and frequently conceals his feelings with gruffness; often he is inarticulate, his kindness being shown by deeds rather than words. Because of this, he may be regarded as insensitive and incapable of understanding the more intricate personalities of others. 

"When the Querent is a woman or a young man, the King of Hearts may appear as a father image or the symbol of authority. He is the solid rock to which their lives can be anchored. While the King of Hearts usually represents an older man, this is not so much a matter of age as maturity of judgment, tolerance and wisdom. 

"The male Querent who finds the King of Hearts in the middle of the spread may have such a disposition or he may aspire to develop the exterior calm and other characteristics which he admires in some older and more experienced man. 

"The female Querent, in the middle of whose spread the King of Hearts occurs, will find that her life is, or can be, intimately interwoven with such a man. He may be husband, father, devoted admirer or even, in some cases, a loving son. 

"When the King of Hearts appears in the upper left-hand wing, the indication is that such a man will enter the Querent's life in the not-too-distant future. The Querent will have the choice of accepting this man's aid and loyalty, which may be couple by restraints and obligations, or of rejecting him. 

"When the King of Hearts appears in the lower wings of the spread, he is more likely to be a man who will enter the Querent's life temporarily, but he may be instrumental in altering the entire life pattern. Often he is a man in a position of authority. He may pave the way for business promotion, sit in judgment of the Querent, or act as mentor or guide in domestic of social situations. He may provide financial assistance or emotional ballast in periods of stress. 

"The King of Hearts' outer calm may be misleading. He is often far more complicated than he appears. However, his lack of guile and his tendency to trust others may prevent his success in business or finance. He is admirably suited to teaching, judiciary posts, the ministry or any position which requires unswerving honesty, restraint and considered judgment. 

"Where the King of Hearts lies beside a Jack - especially if the Querent is a woman - the indication is that the woman is seeking to instill strength of character, courage and a sense of responsibility in some younger person. This being so, inevitably the woman possesses some of the admirable characteristics attributed to this card. It may also be suggested that she should find some older man, symbolized by the King of Hearts, to guide and assist her. 

"The King of Hearts is rarely of a creative turn of mind, but he will possess a love of beauty and will find joy in simple things. 

"In all other suits but Hearts, marriage between the King and Queen of the same suit is likely to be disastrous. But the King and Queen of Hearts are admirably mated. Each will give to the other absolute love and trust and, while neither may recognize the subtleties of the other's nature, their lives will be rich and full in reciprocated love."

Eleventh Card:

Five of Diamonds

"The Five of Diamonds forecasts a clash of wills. This is not to be interpreted as a quarrel, a lover's spat or an enduring feud. Usually this clash of wills will occur without acrimony. Indeed it may be so deeply submerged in the subconscious of those affected that they are unaware of the undercurrents of tension which run between them. 

"This will be a conflict of spiritual forces in which two people, closely united, accept opposing standards of values and seek different patterns in their futures. Outwardly the two people may be in accord, but their ambitions, their dreams of the future and their moral judgments set them apart. 

"This may occur in a husband-wife relationship, a business partnership or in situations relating to parent and child. Money may be involved, but this is not the crux of the conflict and it should not be permitted to obscure more important issues. 

"Sometimes, especially when the Five of Diamonds appears in the middle of the spread, there is an indication that the warring factions lie with the Querent. He may have two sets of conflicting moral codes or be torn with indecision between two patterns of living. This division in his personality may serve as a block to prevent happiness or success, causing him to vacillate or to negate his own accomplishments. 

"Inherent in the Five of Diamonds is the power to adapt, to reach a state of concord, so that the two lives can flow in harmony, each with the other. This does not necessitate compromise. Often conflicting points of view are not as divergent as they may appear. Sometimes identical long-term objectives are sought in different ways, and mere failure to interpret the objectives of another correctly may be the root of the conflict. 

"The Querent who recognizes some hidden strife that mars his happiness should be encouraged to clarify his own aspirations and objectives, to set aside petty grievances and to concentrate on the moral and spiritual values which are of greatest importance to him. Once these are clear in his own mind, he may be able to present them to the other party in such a way as to gain their acceptance. Misunderstandings may be, to a large extent, the result of a failure to communicate with those close to him. 

"While the Five of Diamonds holds the promise of renewed warmth and strength in a personal relationship, it also hints at loneliness and separation if the warning is ignored."

Twelfth Card:

Nine of Spades

"Traditionally the Nine of Spades spells catastrophe. It is linked with the collapse of the Tower of Babel, the stroke of lightning, the swift destructive forces of evil, the overthrow of long-established patterns of living and the necessity to abandon well-laid plans. 

"This, however, is only partly true. 

"The Nine of Spades indicates changes through unexpected and unpredictable sources. But it may also destroy outworn patterns and free the Querent from the chains of customs which have bound him for so long that he has grown unaware of their weight and the restrictions which they impose upon him. 

"The danger lies, not in the destruction of that which is old, but in the failure to prepare for that which is new. The Nine of Spades, when found in the middle of the spread, is a clear-cut warning that the Querent should broaden his horizons, seek out new friends, accept new ideas. He should move forward into life instead of retreating, for the past cannot be recaptured. The severance of old bonds may be painful, but the future lies ahead, uncharted, with myriad routes which the Querent may explore. 

"The Nine of Spades is a card of fear, but fear that may be overcome. In the youthful Querent it may mark the first tenuous steps in leaving the shelter of family life. In the older Querent it may indicate the breaking up of the home, the loss of security and a radical revision of his life plan. Where the card appears in a prominent position in the spread, the Querent should be advised to seek out new interests. It may be wise for him to turn his back deliberately on the past and to make radical departures from his routine of life. He should voluntarily cast off old prejudices and habits of thought which impede his progress. To continue without change may be calamitous. 

"On the other hand, if the Nine of Spades appears in either of the left-hand wings, he has a choice of maintaining his present course of life or altering it. The cards which accompany the Nine in the wing should guide the Reader in assessing the desirability of change."

My interpretation: The guideposts in the lower left wing suggest that a father figure or mentor of middling comportment, by way of the King of Hearts, will play a factor in the Querent's choices. While sometimes coarse he will be a comforting guide and steadfast in his care for the Querent. That the card lies in the lower left wing speaks to a periphery character such as a boss or a professor who has influence over the Querent and will assist him in some beneficial manner.

The Five of Diamonds once again spells relationship issues and a clash of wills which are not inherently a death knell but rather a warning sign of a necessary coming together of values lest they cause a fracture. 

The Nine of Spades furthers that prognosis of destruction without a coalescence and strengthening of shared values. While tumult is normal in human relations, a lack of will to confront the issues and right them spells dissolution.

Thirteenth Card

"The three cards in the lower right wing (numbers 7 [L], 11 [C], 15 [R]) usually represent specific forces at work outside of the Querent. While these forces cannot be controlled, the Querent can adapt himself to them, thus utilizing them for his own advantage."

Four of Hearts

"The Four of Hearts offers an opportunity for happiness through work. This does not necessarily mean through the pursuit of one's vocation, although this may be the case. Essentially the Four of Hearts is a card of self-abnegation in which the interests of others are places above one's own.

Its presence in the spread is indicative of opportunity, rather than the promise of increased pleasure. Within the Four of Hearts lies the element of choice. It presupposes an interest in humanity and a willingness to make sacrifices for others. The rewards are unlikely to be financial, but a route will open by which the Querent can enrich his life through service to others. If the Four of Hearts lies in the middle of the spread, the opportunity is already present. It is probable that initial steps have been taken in this direction.

Often where the Four of Hearts is present, the opportunity lies within the working pattern of the Querent. It may be that more of his time can be devoted to non-profit causes which will benefit others, or it may be that his leisure can be utilized in ways which will be helpful to others.

In some cases the Four of Hearts represents children or very young people. There is an intimation that work with youth groups, community enterprises or school organizations will give deep pleasure to the Querent.

As in most cards, there is a duality or reversal of meaning. This the Four of Hearts may represent happiness through association with elderly people.

While the motivation should not be financial gain, profit is not necessarily ruled out. Where Diamonds flank the Four this new interest may lead to better business opportunities, increased salary or unexpected gifts. Where there is a preponderance of Clubs in the spread, the road will be open new and treasured social contacts. If Hearts or face cards are closely linked with the Four of Hearts, new friendships will be established, a sense of added security may develop and there is the possibility of romance.

Fourteenth Card:

Two of Spades

"The Two of spades represents a minor stumbling block in one's path, sometimes no more than a trifling irritation of a brief delay. However, its appearance in the spread is a warning that should not be overlooked. The petty annoyance that is met cheerfully and patiently can be handled easily, but if impatience gives way to bad temper, obstinacy or vindictiveness, the original trifle may assume unreasonable proportions and even destroy carefully laid out plans.

"When the Two of Spades appears, and especially so if it is centrally located, the subject should be forewarned so that he will meet the block calmly and not come upon it unprepared. Courtesy, consideration of others and a quiet appraisal of the difficulty, may well mark the difference between eventual success or failure in a cherished project.

"If the Two of Spades is centrally located it also indicates that the minor difficulty will appear in the near future. The Two often conceals an incident of unrecognized importance upon which the future may hinge although the subject remains unaware that this is so."

Fifteenth Card:

Six of Clubs

"The Six of Clubs speaks of opportunities for a burgeoning social life.  Often it is referred to as the card of dancing and merriment but it does not represent thoughtless gaiety. The pleasures which it promises are partly of the mind and spirit, which can alter the Querent's outlook and change his life. In some of the Gypsy packs, the Six of Clubs indicates a journey and a change of abode. But the journey may be within the mind and the change of abode may represent a difference in the Querent's thoughts, attitudes and general outlook. 

"Usually the Six of Clubs is a card of good fortune in which spiraling social prestige brings with it other advantages such as financial benefits, increased security and the possibility of love. 

"In the Tarot cards, the Six of Clubs is sometimes represented by a merchant giving alms to beggars, an indication of his success as well as his goodness of heart, but the card gives a warning against vanity, patronizing attitudes and jealousy. 

"If the Ten of Spades, the Two of Spades, or the Five of Diamonds lies beside the Six of Clubs, care should be taken to establish a proper balance between the quest for pleasure and the more serious aspects of life in order that they may be blended into a harmonious whole."

My interpretation: the last three cards in the lower right wing rehash the choice option inherent in all predictions of the future. Attention to work and charity are prevalent in the Four of Hearts. This could include and non-profit or something to do with children or the elderly.

The Two of Spades warns of stumbling blocks. Since it is followed by the Six of Clubs and its portent for pleasure and socializing he should take heed of that aspect as well as the aforementioned potential for a separation.

The Six of Clubs signals a burgeoning social life and a climbing of the social ladder as far as accomplishment and prestige are concerned. The Two of Spades next to the Six of Clubs warns him to temper his socializing less he becomes lax in his more serious pursuits.

Preponderance of Suits in the Spread 

"A preponderance of SPADES heralds unexpected events. There is a suggestion of movement, upset plans, confusion and change. In general, Spades are associated with disappointment, regret and mysterious forces at work which are beyond the Querent's control. However, Spades should not be linked with misfortune. Throughout the ages they have been cards of mystery, charting courses in the unknown. Spades indicate activity and should serve as a challenge to the Querent for, if he is forewarned, he may be able to use the forces about him for his own good."

Low Cards in the Spread 

"Conversely, if the spread is composed largely of lesser cards, the indication is that the Querent's life will adhere closely to its present pattern. In this case, the interpretation of each card should be minimized. Thus the promise of a letter containing good news should be interpreted merely as a pleasant communication; quarrels may be reduced to misunderstandings, and unhappy events may be no more than passing irritations."


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