"The Two of spades represents a minor stumbling block in one's path, sometimes no more than a trifling irritation of a brief delay. However, its appearance in the spread is a warning that should not be overlooked. The petty annoyance that is met cheerfully and patiently can be handled easily, but if impatience gives way to bad temper, obstinacy or vindictiveness, the original trifle may assume unreasonable proportions and even destroy carefully laid out plans.
"When the Two of Spades appears, and especially so if it is centrally located, the subject should be forewarned so that he will meet the block calmly and not come upon it unprepared. Courtesy, consideration of others and a quiet appraisal of the difficulty, may well mark the difference between eventual success or failure in a cherished project.
"If the Two of Spades is centrally located it also indicates that the minor difficulty will appear in the near future. The Two often conceals an incident of unrecognized importance upon which the future may hinge although the subject remains unaware that this is so."
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