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Two of Hearts

"Traditionally, the Two of Hearts is a love letter or a bit of good news. 

"Actually this card has far greater significance. It points out the possibility of unexpected pleasure, satisfaction or joy which can be found in the ordinary routine of life. Often this promise is overlooked because it seems commonplace, or it is lost in a mass of detail. 

"Where the Two of Hearts occurs, the Querent should be advised to examine his everyday life to see if he is deriving the maximum values from it. He may be missing opportunities, worthwhile friendships or social success because he is so intent on distant goals that he is oblivious of his immediate surroundings. 

"If the Two of Hearts lies next to a face card of the opposite sex from the Querent, the intimation is that there is someone at hand who would offer love and devotion if given the chance to do so. If a face card of the same sex lies next to the Two of Hearts, it may mean that the Querent is overlooking a friendship which could be beneficial to him. If Diamonds flank the Two of Hearts, it should be suggested that the Querent search his surroundings for financial opportunities and promotion in business. Where Clubs predominate in the spread, channels for happier social relations lie open if the Querent will seek them out. 

"If the Two lies between Hearts, the Querent may be indolent or to preoccupied with the pursuit of pleasure to establish more enduring values. 

"Whatever the case, the Two of Hearts marks opportunity close at hand which can enrich the Querent's life, he has no need to shed his lofty ambitions or his dreams of the future, but he should be advised that opportunities which lie at his fingertips may be rewarding beyond his dreams."


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