"The Three of Spades is a card of sudden resolution, the swift decision to take action in a seemingly minor matter. Whether this decision will be made by the Querent or by some other person in such a way as to affect him depends upon the position of the card in the spread. In either case the decision may be, or appear to be, motivated by vindictiveness or spite, rather than sustained judgment.
"The Three of Spades may actually forewarn the Querent of a test or trial of his capacity to deal with unpleasant matters. Success in so doing may lead to improved conditions in business, better personal relationships and increased respect among his associates. Therefore, although the Three of Spades may forewarn of an episode which is temporarily disagreeable, it may be one which will work out to his benefit. Whenever the Three of Spades occurs in the spread, it is wise to explore the situation more deeply. As the Querent may have no knowledge of the shape that this minor misfortune may assume, he can be caught off balance and act to his own detriment. The Reader should discuss the problem with him in abstract terms in order that he may achieve a state of mind that will be helpful at the moment when he must cope with an irritating, humiliating or disappointing situation."
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