"The Ten of Diamonds is represented by the Hermit's cell. It presages confinement or material bondage. In Gypsy lore, the Ten of Diamonds was often presented as a card of wealth which did not bring happiness. However, it has a broader meaning than this. It warns of too great a preoccupation with making money or seeking material success at the expense of spiritual neglect. It may also advise change, not so much of place, but of attitudes. Where the Ten of Diamonds appears, the Querent may be bogged down by boredom, routine, indifference or a lassitude of the spirits. He may feel that circumstances hem him in and that adventures of the mind and spirit are dreams which can no longer be achieved.
"Inherent in the Ten of Diamonds is the means of escape from the narrow confines of daily life. There is the promise of a richer and more rewarding future if the Querent will raise his eyes toward wider horizons. The Ten of Diamonds warns of confinement or futility in which the restraining walls may be illusionary. Habit, self-satisfaction, fear of change or listlessness may impoverish the questing spirit and deprive the Querent of many joyous experiences.
"Again in Gypsy lore, the Ten of Diamonds offers a choice of a journey over land or over water. This is not to be accepted in too literal a sense, although the Ten of Diamonds often indicates that an opportunity to travel is close at hand. The primary indication, however, is a choice between the plodding land route which represents financial gain, economic security and acceptance of a limited life, or of travel by water which symbolizes purity of thought and inner vision.
"When the Ten of Diamonds appears in the middle of the spread, there is an indication of world-weariness, cynicism and an acceptance of a pattern of life that brings creature-comforts but lacks deeper satisfaction. There is an indication that a richer life is at hand but that the Querent must throw off his acceptance of conditions as they exist and prepare to take active steps in order to grasp opportunities which will be open to him.
"The cards surrounding the Ten of Diamonds should offer clues to the nature of the way in which monotony may be broken so that swift change can take place. It should be stressed that the Querent need not turn his back on his present mode of life, but he should achieve new vision to guide him to increased enjoyment.
"On the lower wings of the spread, the Ten of Diamonds is more circumscribed. When so placed, it is likely to mean a pleasurable interlude from everyday living. This may come about through unexpected money which will ease economic worries, through travel or from an experience which will create new areas of interest. The warning, however, is implicit that the opportunity must be seized, or else the humdrum world will close in to form a hermit's cell."
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