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Six of Diamonds

"The Six of Diamonds is a card of well-being, physical comfort and economic security. When it lies in the middle of the spread, it may emphasize the importance of these things to the Querent. The Six of Diamonds may indicate the comfortable circumstances of the Querent or it may guide him towards securing desired ends. 

"Frequently the appearance of the Six of Diamonds in the spread offers the Querent a choice between moderate financial well-being accompanied by security and ease of mind or a more advantageous road which may be studded with pitfalls and uncertainties. This is particularly true if the Six of Diamonds is placed at the juncture of a wing. 

"If either of the upper wings shows routes leading to marked success or to misfortune, the Querent should be apprised of this. The choice may lie open to him to pyramid his success but, at the same time, he may jeopardize his security in the attempt. If the Six of Diamonds lies at the extreme of the upper right wing, the indication is that if he continues on the route he is following, he will achieve satisfying results. If the Six of Diamonds lies at the extreme of the upper left wing, the indication is that an opportunity for change will arise which, if he so desires, may reward him with a calm, secure and comfortable life. 

"When the Six of Diamonds appears in the lower wings of the spread, its meaning is somewhat altered. The indication here is that the Querent should be alert to take advantage of a situation which can be turned to his benefit. This may be a business deal which brings him a handsome profit, the sale of property or a chance episode which can bring him considerable pleasure. If a face card flanks the Six of Diamonds, it indicates that such an opportunity may arise through his association with an individual whom the face card depicts. 

"In the Six of Diamond lies the suggestion that the benefits offered may come about through unpredictable sources, such as the seemingly chance meeting with an old friend, a social gathering, a call made through kindness. Because opportunity may wear a commonplace mask, the Querent should be warned that hasty rejection of new responsibilities, or that irritation with old friends and routine work, may cause him to overlook means of securing advantages which may be of the utmost importance to him."


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