"The Six of Clubs speaks of opportunities for a burgeoning social life. Often it is referred to as the card of dancing and merriment but it does not represent thoughtless gaiety. The pleasures which it promises are partly of the mind and spirit, which can alter the Querent's outlook and change his life. In some of the Gypsy packs, the Six of Clubs indicates a journey and a change of abode. But the journey may be within the mind and the change of abode may represent a difference in the Querent's thoughts, attitudes and general outlook.
"Usually the Six of Clubs is a card of good fortune in which spiraling social prestige brings with it other advantages such as financial benefits, increased security and the possibility of love.
"In the Tarot cards, the Six of Clubs is sometimes represented by a merchant giving alms to beggars, an indication of his success as well as his goodness of heart, but the card gives a warning against vanity, patronizing attitudes and jealousy.
"If the Ten of Spades, the Two of Spades, or the Five of Diamonds lies beside the Six of Clubs, care should be taken to establish a proper balance between the quest for pleasure and the more serious aspects of life in order that they may be blended into a harmonious whole."
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