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Seven of Clubs

"The Seven of Clubs warns of illusionary success, unstable effort and plans that may topple over backwards at the last moment because of carelessness, indifference or the too early assumption that all is well. 

"When the Seven of Clubs appears in the upper left wing of the spread, it indicates that some goal sought by the Querent is attainable but that he must exert vigilance, scrupulous care and unceasing energy in the enterprise. He must fight his inclination to resign himself to failure too quickly, be dilatory or lacking in self-confidence. 

"In the upper right wing of the spread, the Seven of Clubs indicates the Querent is in danger of suffering a loss through default or neglect. It may be that he takes his success for granted or is too preoccupied with other matters to bend his energies to a task of real importance. 

"The Seven of Clubs bespeaks high aspirations, but when it appears in the middle of the spread it may indicate weakness on the part of the Querent in implementing his ambitions. There is an indication that he starts many enterprises but does not follow through. He tends, at times, to jump from one interest to another, spreading his energies too thin. Once a plan is well under way, he is inclined to turn his attention elsewhere. The card warns him that apparent success must be bolstered by hard work or his efforts may be destroyed. 

"In the lower wings, the Seven of Clubs is more likely to relate to a specific situation than to the general attitude of the Querent. In conjunction with a face card, it may warn of the carelessness or indifference of associates or employees. The Querent should be advised to check carefully on any enterprise in which he is vitally interested but which is being supervised by others. 

"When the Seven of Clubs lies between Hearts, the suggestion is that business may be neglected for pleasure. If it lies between Diamonds, the Querent's security may be in the process of being undermined by financial chicanery or jealousy. 

"The Querent should be warned against disclosing plans indiscriminately to others and especially against announcing the success of his plans prematurely. Also he may convince himself too easily that he has achieved his objectives, and slacken his drive. His optimism may cause him unnecessary failure and exaggerate the blows of misfortune. 

"It should be stressed by the Reader that the Seven of Clubs is a warning of danger that can be averted rather than an omen of ill luck."


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