"Superficially, the Queen of Spades represents a dark woman.
"But the darkness does not refer to coloration, nor does it indicate evil as is sometimes supposed.
"The Queen of Spades is a woman of unsuspected depths, whose immediate personality may be misleading. Such a woman, especially as she grows older, tends to conceal her emotions beneath a cloak of calmness which may make her appear unemotional and haughty or even shallow and unresponsive. This woman is not easy to know, but the cultivation of her friendship will be rewarding. Once this friendship is won she will offer unswerving loyalty and unselfish devotion. On the other hand, she may become an implacable enemy, ruthless and cruel.
"Such a woman should be approached with complete sincerity, for she is highly intuitive and will be quick to recognize deceit or ulterior motives. Unless the Querent can meet her with frankness and a genuine desire to secure her friendship, it is best to avoid her.
"While the Queen of Spades is a woman of deep emotional responses, her appearance in the layout rarely indicates romance. She is much more likely to play the role of mentor, advisor or confidante. However, where there is romantic attachment between her and the Querent, she will be a woman of endless surprises - passionate, possessive, inclined to jealousy.
"Because she is psychic, she often possesses knowledge gleaned through telepathic sources and her advice should be listened to with care. Her critical faculties are acute, and her intuitive knowledge of persons is likely to be sound unless prejudiced by personal affront. Many successful people have a Queen of Spades in their lives and this is particularly true in the field of arts. She provides a practical, stabilizing influence upon whom the gifted may depend. She is frequently the source of inspiration, the spur to fame or success, the demanding critic who will not permit failure. She has the tendency to dominate and to appear aggressive and unfeeling but she can easily be won over by affection, good nature and respectful consideration of her views. Once such an emotional bond is established, she is unstinting in her generosity and self-sacrifice.
"Conversely, if she is antagonized, she is a dangerous enemy. Her intuitive powers are sharpened to find every weakness and flaw in her adversary. Guided by some psychic force, she finds ways to hurt, humiliate or injure the individual who has offended her.
"The complexity of her nature will make her appear mysterious and enigmatic, driven by vagaries, subject to insights hidden from others and capable of contradictory actions.
"But she is a woman well worth cultivating.
"She must be accepted graciously - or scrupulously avoided."
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