"The Queen of Hearts offers pleasure, joy, unstinting and unquestioning love. She is deeply emotional and acts through instinct rather than reason. Traditionally, she is jolly, light-hearted, frivolous and gay. But she is fruitful too. While she may lack intellectual depths, she sparks ideas and serves as an inspiration to more talented people about her. She is highly sensitive to the moods of those who are fortunate enough to win her love and, through her trust and belief in them, encourages them to fulfill their desires, ambitions and aspirations.
"While she lacks creative skills, she is attracted to the arts and has a deep sensitivity for beauty in any form. Although her judgments may be at fault she errs on the side of generosity. She is never petty or mean but she can be stubborn and wilful. She responds quickly to kindness but is inclined to be easily hurt. She lacks aggression and is often impractical where her own affairs are concerned, but will show tremendous moral and physical courage in defending the objects of her love.
"On the surface the Queen of Hearts appears practical and primarily interested in creature comforts. She is a good Homemaker, an excellent cook and a devoted mother. Beneath the surface, however, she may lead a secret life filled with fantasy, aspirations and soaring ambitions for those she loves. There is an undercurrent of melancholy which she rarely shows. Her love is paralleled by enduring grief for the misfortunes which befall others in the imperfections of life.
"She is a champion of the underdog, a friend to the friendless, a crusader for justice. But she is frequently mistaken and easily imposed upon. She tends to over-evaluate people, both in the matter of skill and character. She can see no flaw in those she loves. Her own lack of subtlety blinds her to duplicity in others. Her honesty impels her to move directly to a point and sometimes to be blunt and tactless. She is outspoken in anger, but easily appeased and never bears a grudge.
"Usually she is sunny in disposition, given to laughter and small talk. She loves companionship and takes great joy in life's minutiae. Small gifts are of great importance to her and she is deeply moved by kindness. Her principal preoccupation lies in creating pleasures for others, especially the inner circle of her home and friends.
"When the Queen of Hearts lies in the middle of the spread of a female Querent, the indication is that she possesses many of the characteristics symbolized by this card. Where the other cards in the spread represent hardship, deceit or danger, this is a warning that the Querent should proceed cautiously. She should be advised against too ready acceptance of others that their face values. If a Diamond appears at the right of the Queen, she must guard herself in financial matters. If the Ten of Hearts appears at her right, she will find deep joy in a younger person, possibly in the success of a son but more likely in her close relationship with a child.
"If the Querent is a male and the Queen lies in the middle of the spread, it signifies that he is deeply loved. In this case the Queen May symbolize an entire family. If the Queen lies in the upper right or left the wings of the spread, an opportunity for great happiness will soon be open to him. If the Queen lies in the lower wings of the spread, he will meet a woman who will offer him great comfort.
"While the Queen is usually a mature woman, this may be a maturity of mind, not of years. The youthful Querent - regardless of sex - in whose spread the Queen appears, is promised the gift of a satisfying and rewarding love, though not necessarily in the immediate future."
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