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Queen of Clubs

"The Queen of Clubs possesses the social graces. She will command and beguile the hearts of men, but none will truly understand her. She will be warm, friendly, charming, an excellent companion but, beneath her light manner, is a calculating mind, an earthiness, a quality of shrewdness in matters pertaining to her own interests.

"She may appear flirtatious, light-hearted and giddy, but much of this is a mask. She is sensitive, easily hurt and sometimes petulant. She can be moved to quick compassion, but her anger may flare up unexpectedly and seemingly without reason. She will take quick likes and dislikes. On occasion she may conduct herself outrageously but she will soon be contrite. 

"Her actions will appear unpredictable, governed by whim or the fancy of the moment, yet beneath her inconsistent conduct is a feminine logic which she rarely betrays. She will be fond of social activities, dancing, games, travel and parties. She will be vain of her appearance, interested in clothing and luxuries. But despite her gaiety and laughter, there will be an underlying sadness that may show itself in moodiness, tears or tantrums. 

"She will love beauty, but her artistic judgments may not always be sound. She will talk easily and well, but her cleverness may be paper thin. She establishes friendships with great ease, but often these do not endure. Admiration is important to her; she enjoys being the focus of attention and responds eagerly to flattery. But she cannot be deluded easily. She sizes men up quickly and, while she may enjoy a romantic interlude, her decisions are based on practicalities. 

"The man who falls in love with the Queen of Clubs may feel that he is following a will-o'-the-wisp. Her moods are so given to fluctuation that she may appear to be many women rolled into one. In a sense this is true. Her personality will contain diverse and contradictory elements, any one of which may dominate in a given situation. 

"Despite her social graces, the Queen of Clubs is likely to cut herself off from close human relationships and to suffer from an inner loneliness. She has a deep craving for sympathy and someone who will understand her capricious moods. She is capable of tremendous self-sacrifice and enduring devotion to a man who can give her this, but she will test him constantly and, in the end, may drive him from her. 

"In her relationship with other women, the Queen of Clubs tends to seek out her own kind. Such friendships tend to be brief and filled with petty quarrels. However, the Queen of Clubs and the Queen of Hearts have an affinity for each other. The Queen of Hearts will offer absolute devotion while the Queen of Clubs will bring excitement, gaiety and diversity into their lives. The Queen of Clubs and the Queen of Spades are instinctive enemies. The presence of both cards in the spread indicates conflict in which the Queen of Spades, with her greater subtlety and intuition is likely to emerge victorious. 

"When the Queen of Clubs lies in the middle of the spread of the female Querent, the card may be either a representation of her personality or the problem which she will meet. If another Queen or Jack also lies in the middle of the spread, the indication is that the personality of the Queen of Clubs will be moderated by the characteristics of the second card. 

"When the male Querent finds the Queen of Clubs in the middle of the spread, a woman with many of these character traits will play a dominant part in his life. 

"When the Queen of Clubs appears in the upper right wing of the spread of either male or female Querent, the indication is that such a woman will soon be involved in his or her affairs. If the Queen of Clubs is in the upper left-hand spread, the Querent may be forced into some decision in regard to such a woman. The remaining cards in the wing may guide him to wise judgment as to the role she should be permitted to play. 

"When the Queen of Clubs appears in the lower wings of the spread, there is a warning that a situation may arise in which appearances are deceptive. The Querent should be advised to avoid snap judgments and not to be influenced by personality until the facts in the case have been thoroughly examined. 

"When the Nine of Hearts lies beside the Queen of Clubs, the indication is that such a woman will bring great joy into the Querent's life."


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