"The Nine of Diamonds is a card of conflicting meanings.
"Traditionally, it has been the card of wish fulfillment.
"In Gypsy lore, however, it represents deceit, treachery, misrepresentation and danger.
"It has been associated with the moon whose pale light masks the truth and gives answers which, while literally true, are misleading.
"Thus the Querent who approaches the arcane symbols of the cards to present a wish that is selfish, trivial or motivated by greed or vengeance may find his wish granted in a literal sense, only to have it rebound upon him disadvantageously. Like the ancient oracles, the cards, when flaunted, tend to mislead those who mock them.
"On the other hand, where the Querent approaches the ancient symbols which the cards depict with respect, and his wishes conform to acceptable patterns of arcane law, no misdirection will occur. The truth will lie in the spread, but no single card will give a 'yes' or 'no' answer. The Nine of Diamonds is a challenge to the Reader's intuitive knowledge, his extra-sensory powers and his skill as a diviner.
"Even when the Querent has been discouraged from making a concrete wish, he usually approaches the cards in the hope that some perplexing problem will be solved, some high ambition will reach fruition or, at least, that he will be given assurance of happiness, success or good fortune. The Nine of Diamonds gives cognizance to the wish and indicated that in some degree it will be fulfilled. However, it does not promise that this will come about in the pattern which the Querent foresees, nor does it guarantee that the wish will being satisfaction or happiness to the Querent.
"The cards can guide the Reader in two ways. First, he must note the position of the Nine of Diamonds in the spread. If it lies in the middle, the indication may be that the wish is either pressing, or of supreme importance to the Querent. If it lies in the upper right wing, the indication is that the wish will be fulfilled in the natural course of events. If it lies in the upper left-hand wing, the fulfillment of the wish is possible if the Querent will reject his current pattern of life. If it appears in the lower left-hand wing, the wish is likely to be incidental to more important factors in the Querent's life. If it is on the lower right-hand wing, outside forces beyond the Querent's control will be the decisive factors. If the Nine of Diamonds lies on the outer edges of the spread, the indication is that the wish will eventually be fulfilled but only after many delays or disappointments.
"The absence of the Nine of Diamonds is not a denial of the wish. Instead it indicates that no clear-cut answer regarding the wish can be given to the Querent. When the Nine of Diamonds is absent but the Nine and Ace of Spades occur in the spread, usually there is a direct negation of the wish. However, if the Nine of Hearts appears in the company of the Nine of Spades or the Ace of Spades, the indication is that, although his wish will not be fulfilled, the Querent will, in the end, be glad that this is so.
"Where both the Nine of Diamonds and the Nine of Hearts appear in the spread, there is a promise of happiness and good fortune which will extend far beyond the wish. This combination of cards indicates a heightened awareness of life's pleasures, the gift of inward vision which add fresh depths of understanding and a joyous frame of mind that can sweep away misfortunes."
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