"The Nine of Clubs represents satisfaction or success in work. It is also indicative of emotional adjustment, stability and progress. Where the Nine of Diamonds appears in the same spread, financial rewards are promised. If the Querent works in the field of arts, the indication is of an important sale or contract. If he is in business, this may be a promotion, or a better position. When the Nine of Hearts appears in the same spread, the Nine of Clubs my represent recognition, acclaim or fame. The promise is made of happiness through achievement. Where the Nine of Spades appears with the Nine of Clubs, success is promised after many setbacks, strife and the threat of defeat.
"When the Nine of Clubs appears in the upper left-hand wing of the spread, such success will depend upon the immediate actions of the Querent. That which he seeks is within his grasp, but he must take the correct steps lest it evade him.
"In the lower wings of the spread, the promised success is more localized, indicating a specific situation which can be used to his benefit and through which he may win financial rewards, fame or recognition.
"The cards in the same row as the Nine of Clubs should give clues as to the nature of the enterprise, the people who may be involved, the obstacles which may have to be overcome and situations which will assist the Querent in achieving the ends he seeks."
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