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King of Spades

"The appearance of the King of Spades in the spread indicates the presence of a man of powerful and dominating personality. He is likely to be highly intelligent, stable, ambitious, honest and motivated by practicality and reason.

"If the Querent is male and the King appears in the middle of the spread, this may be an indication of his own personality. If the King appears in the wings, he is more likely to be a father, employer, staunch friend or adviser of the Querent. 

"When the Querent is a woman, the King of Spades represents a dominant male in her life. He may be father, brother, husband, friend or a man who seeks her hand in marriage.When the King lies in the middle of the spread this man has had long association with the Querent. If the card lies in the right-wing the man has already entered into to the Querent's life, though not necessarily in an important role. If the King lies in the left wing, this man will become known to the Querent at some future date. 

"Traditionally, the King of Spades has been represented as an older man of dark complexion. However, such a description is superficial. Black, in this case, does not refer to the man's coloration but to his positive nature, his virility and his capacity to control situations. Similarly, he need not necessarily be old but his outlook will be mature and not susceptible to change. 

"The King of Spades is likely to lack subtlety and to see things in terms of black and white. While he is well-intentioned, he may trample upon the sensitivities of others. He tends to be a good provider, astute in business affairs, well-liked and respected by his male associates. By his own code, he is generous, reasonable and kind. On the adverse side, he may be too sure of his own judgments, heavy-handed and either unwilling or unable to understand points of view which conflict with his own. He distrusts intuitive knowledge and tends to dismiss with contempt the artistic abilities, the soaring ambitions, the cherished dreams and idealism of those about him. Such attitudes may bring about domestic crises, create ill will in business, or antagonize friends. 

"If the Querent is represented by the King of Spades, he should be advised to give greater thought and consideration to those close to him. Inasmuch as he is a man of deep loyalties, kindly instincts and basic good will, he will desire to be fair and just. His preoccupation with material matters and getting things done will sometimes obscure his sense of the intricate pattern of other people's lives. If he can embrace a fresh view of spiritual and moral values, much added richness can enter his life. 

"If the spread indicates that the King of Spades is a man with whom the Querent must deal, he should be reminded of the many good qualities of the man, his staunchness, his loyalty, his uncompromising honesty. Above all, this man is governed by intelligence. Open opposition or carping criticism will only strengthen his determination to have his own way, but he will be susceptible to honest appreciation of his capabilities and able to understand conflicting viewpoints if they are represented in a reasonable clear-cut fashion. He is deeply emotional, even sentimental, and when an appeal is made to his better instincts, he is highly responsive. 

"Such a man tends to think in concrete terms and usually does well in business, law or engineering. In spite of his outward appearance of competence, strength and domination, he has a great need for warm personal relationships and for a woman who will give purpose to his life. He does not like to be alone and while he scorns open sentimentality, he cherishes any love or affection given to him. 

"The female Querent who ponders marriage or a business relationship with such a man should be advised to examine her own personality and attitudes with great care. This is not a man who she can change or wrap around her finger. If she enters blindly into such a relationship, she may find herself broken by the experience. On the other hand, if she can promote the interests of this man and give him the warmth of emotional security which he needs, she can expect his lifelong devotion to her comfort and happiness."


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