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King of Hearts

"The King of Hearts represents a man of boundless good will and integrity. He is straightforward, dependable and mild-tempered. Outwardly he is uncomplicated and frequently conceals his feelings with gruffness; often he is inarticulate, his kindness being shown by deeds rather than words. Because of this, he may be regarded as insensitive and incapable of understanding the more intricate personalities of others.

"When the Querent is a woman or a young man, the King of Hearts may appear as a father image or the symbol of authority. He is the solid rock to which their lives can be anchored. While the King of Hearts usually represents an older man, this is not so much a matter of age as maturity of judgment, tolerance and wisdom.

"The male Querent who finds the King of Hearts in the middle of the spread may have such a disposition or he may aspire to develop the exterior calm and other characteristics which he admires in some older and more experienced man.

"The female Querent, in the middle of whose spread the King of Hearts occurs, will find that her life is, or can be, intimately interwoven with such a man. He may be husband, father, devoted admirer or even, in some cases, a loving son.

"When the King of Hearts appears in the upper left-hand wing, the indication is that such a man will enter the Querent's life in the not-too-distant future. The Querent will have the choice of accepting this man's aid and loyalty, which may be coupled by restraints and obligations, or of rejecting him.

"When the King of Hearts appears in the lower wings of the spread, he is more likely to be a man who will enter the Querent's life temporarily, but he may be instrumental in altering the entire life pattern. Often he is a man in a position of authority. He may pave the way for business promotion, sit in judgment of the Querent, or act as mentor or guide in domestic of social situations. He may provide financial assistance or emotional ballast in periods of stress.

"The King of Hearts' outer calm may be misleading. He is often far more complicated than he appears. However, his lack of guile and his tendency to trust others may prevent his success in business or finance. He is admirably suited to teaching, judiciary posts, the ministry or any position which requires unswerving honesty, restraint and considered judgment.

"Where the King of Hearts lies beside a Jack - especially if the Querent is a woman - the indication is that the woman is seeking to instill strength of character, courage and a sense of responsibility in some younger person. This being so, inevitably the woman possesses some of the admirable characteristics attributed to this card. It may also be suggested that she should find some older man, symbolized by the King of Hearts, to guide and assist her.

"The King of Hearts is rarely of a creative turn of mind, but he will possess a love of beauty and will find joy in simple things.

"In all other suits but Hearts, marriage between the King and Queen of the same suit is likely to be disastrous. But the King and Queen of Hearts are admirably mated. Each will give to the other absolute love and trust and, while neither may recognize the subtleties of the other's nature, their lives will be rich and full in reciprocated love."


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