"The King of Clubs represents a man of wide and diversified interests, outwardly sociable, but inwardly secretive and reserved. This man will not be easy to know, for his external appearance may belie his inner strength and his natural reticence may cloak his sensitivity and idealism.
"The King of Clubs will have learned to adapt himself to the world about him. He may appear cynical, autocratic, harsh, or even unfeeling but, in his heart, he is a crusader, crying out against injustice and eager to help his fellow men. He has been hurt many times and therefore he has built a wall about his inner being to insulate himself from criticism.
"This man will have many talents, some of which he may have developed secretly, not disclosing his interest even to those closest to him. Such a man will find routine employment or conducting a business boring and confining, but he may deliberately choose such work in order that his freedom be unencumbered during his leisure hours. He may even be very successful in enterprises which are distasteful to him provided he has other interests to satisfy his intellectual curiosity and surplus energies.
"The King of Clubs is often a lonely man. The sympathetic understanding of a woman will be vital to his happiness, but he will have difficulty in making his wants known. He is easily discouraged in matters of romance and, in consequence, often plays the passive role. He is susceptible to flattery and, although he will not admit it, tends to place a woman on a pedestal.
"There is a natural affinity between the Queen of Diamonds and the King of Clubs. In her shrewdness, the Queen of Diamonds will bring out this man's good points and exploit his talents. Her restless drive will incite him to greater activity and her determination to live fully will act as a challenge to his ingenuity and creative skill.
"On the other hand, the Queen of Spades is inimical to the King of Clubs. Her haughty manner and concealed passions will deter him from the use of his talents. Where such a mis-mating occurs, both partners will withdraw to their inner recesses until no genuine contact exists between them.
"When the King of Clubs appears in the middle of the spread of a male Querent, the indication is that it represents his own character and personality. When this card appears in the wings, it is more likely to represent a close friend, relative or business associate of the Querent.
"When the King of Clubs appears in the middle of the spread of a female Querent, the indication is that such a man is playing a dominant rĂ´le in her life. On the wings, the King of Clubs is likely to represent a man who will be significant in her life, but to a lesser degree.
"A spread which includes both the King of Clubs and the Queen of Spades is likely to augur a broken home, domestic unhappiness or a marital rift. This will be intensified if cards which designate quarrels or misfortunes lie between these two face cards."
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