"The Jack of Hearts is the card of romance. Also it is the card of folly and thoughtless abandonment to pleasure.
"Where the Jack of Hearts appears, the Querent may expect a carefree interlude between the more serious pressures of life. This may mean an affair of the heart, but not necessarily so. It can represent a happy holiday, pleasant friendships, a round of parties or some other amusing break from the monotony of routine work.
"When the Jack of Hearts lies in the middle of the spread, it may serve as a warning to the Querent to take life more seriously, to look towards the future and to avoid hedonism. The Jack of Hearts is easily tempted to excesses in eating and drinking and tends towards self-indulgence. He is by nature generous and fond of people, so that he must take care lest he become involved in unpleasant situations through his impulse to please others.
"If the Jack of Hearts lies in the corner of any of the wings, the indication is that the Querent will meet a person whose gaiety will charm and disarm him. This association may be pleasant, stimulating and even valuable to the Querent, but he should not take the situation too seriously. If there is a romantic interlude, it should be entered into lightheartedly for the Jack of Hearts is likely to be inconstant and mercurial in temperament - here today and gone tomorrow. When the Jack faces a Spade, especially a Seven or Ten, there is a clear-cut warning of disappointment or heartbreak for the Querent if he dallies too long amid pleasures.
"On the other hand, where the Jack of Hearts appears at the end of a wing, the Querent may look forward to a rewarding period of joy which mark the success of some enterprise for which he has worked long and hard."
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