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Jack of Clubs

"The Jack of Clubs usually represents a young person who is hard-working, honest and sincere. This card rarely represents the Querent but someone who is devoted to him. To determine the sex of the Jack of Clubs, the Reader should follow the direction of the eyes portrayed in the card. If the eyes point toward the middle of the spread, the young person will be of the opposite sex to the Querent. If the eyes point away from the middle of the spread, the person will be of the Querent's own sex.

"There is a suggestion that the Querent may underestimate the Jack of Clubs, considering him naive, dull or lacking in gaiety. In the eyes of the female Querent, the Jack may appear in the guise of a lacklustre suitor or unprepossessing female friend. For the male Querent, the Jack may be a girl whom he knows well but whom he has not considered in a romantic light; or a steady, reliable male companion whom he takes for granted. 

"Actually, the Jack of Clubs will prove a tower of strength in times of crisis. He will be loyal, generous and self-sacrificing. He may possess many undeveloped or unsuspected talents beneath a rather commonplace exterior. Because he is content to play 'second fiddle' to the Querent, he may deliberately conceal certain skills and aptitudes to make the Querent appear in the best possible light. 

"The Jack of Clubs may act a rein on the Querent, checking his impulsive actions and guiding him towards his highest possible achievement. As a whole, the Jack of Clubs counsels wisely and is rich in common sense but his caution and protectiveness may become irksome and be resented. This is especially true since the Jack of Clubs is frequently lacking in tact. His natural honesty prevents him from the use of guile or subterfuge. 

"The presence of the Jack of Clubs in the spread is an indication that there is someone close to the Querent whom he does not fully appreciate. This person will promote the Querent's interests and work without remittance or expectation of reward to help him in the attainment of his ambitions. 

"While the Jack of Clubs is described as young, the adjective should not be taken too literally. The word 'innocent' may be substituted for 'young.' The Jack of Clubs is usually found in the same age group as the Querent but inasmuch as he plays a secondary role, he may appear more inexperienced or ingenuous than he really is. 

"The fact that the Jack of Clubs makes his appearance in the spread indicates that the Querent should avoid a one-sided relationship. Cultivation of a devoted friend will give him added stability, tolerance and a rewarding experience. The suggestion is also present that a crisis may occur in which this friendship will be a decisive factor."


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