"The Four of Diamonds betokens concrete, measurable success in terms of finances, business or professional status. This is not a card of sudden fortune, good luck or sweeping changes. Instead it marks an advance earned by merit or hard work. This forward step may seem to have little importance in itself, but it will lay a foundation on which a series of other advances may be laid. The Querent may be inclined to dismiss his accomplishments as trifling, but actually it can bring him deeper satisfactions than he would achieve through more rapid progress towards his goals."
The deck used was the Cat and Canary pack. They were spread remotely. The spread is as shown above and laid out in the directions given by Wenzell Brown in his book How to Tell Fortunes With Cards . Center Card : "By and large, the central card (number 1) represents either the Querent (the sitter), his personality and the nature of his problems, or the primary influences which are moving through his life at the present moment." Three of Hearts "The Three of Hearts represents a disappointment in love, a minor setback in one's plans or an error in judgement. The appearance of the Three of Hearts is a warning that the pathway ahead is not straight, that there are pitfalls lying there to trip the unwary. "The Three of Hearts may also warn of self-delusion. The Querent may have a subconscious knowledge that he is handicapping himself or causing himself unhappiness by his reluctance to make changes. For a variety of reasons he may be loath to face the situation or h...
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