"The Five of Hearts is a card of disappointment, tears and vain regret. It may mark the end of a love affair or the abandonment of a cherished plan, but the sorrow seldom lies deep. Inwardly, the Querent has always known the illusory quality of the situation and that it could not endure. His vanity may be pricked, but he is unlikely to receive permanent scars from his unfortunate encounter. He may grieve briefly but, even as he does so, he cannot be unaware of a sense of relief at his release from a self-imposed bondage.
"The end of an unsatisfying romantic attachment, the breaking up of a one-sided friendship or the recognition that an ambition is impractical and impossible of achievement will clear the pathway to more sensible efforts and goals."
"The Reader should not belittle a sense of loss, especially if the Querent reacts emotionally. Instead, he should aid the Querent in placing the unfortunate incident in correct perspective, so that it will act as a stepping stone towards more enduring interpersonal relationships and sounder judgments in planning for the future."
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