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Five of Diamonds

"The Five of Diamonds forecasts a clash of wills. This is not to be interpreted as a quarrel, a lover's spat or an enduring feud. Usually this clash of wills will occur without acrimony. Indeed it may be so deeply submerged in the subconscious of those affected that they are unaware of the undercurrents of tension which run between them. 

"This will be a conflict of spiritual forces in which two people, closely united, accept opposing standards of values and seek different patterns in their futures. Outwardly the two people may be in accord, but their ambitions, their dreams of the future and their moral judgments set them apart. 

"This may occur in a husband-wife relationship, a business partnership or in situations relating to parent and child. Money may be involved, but this is not the crux of the conflict and it should not be permitted to obscure more important issues. 

"Sometimes, especially when the Five of Diamonds appears in the middle of the spread, there is an indication that the warring factions lie with the Querent. He may have two sets of conflicting moral codes or be torn with indecision between two patterns of living. This division in his personality may serve as a block to prevent happiness or success, causing him to vacillate or to negate his own accomplishments. 

"Inherent in the Five of Diamonds is the power to adapt, to reach a state of concord, so that the two lives can flow in harmony, each with the other. This does not necessitate compromise. Often conflicting points of view are not as divergent as they may appear. Sometimes identical long-term objectives are sought in different ways, and mere failure to interpret the objectives of another correctly may be the root of the conflict. 

"The Querent who recognizes some hidden strife that mars his happiness should be encouraged to clarify his own aspirations and objectives, to set aside petty grievances and to concentrate on the moral and spiritual values which are of greatest importance to him. Once these are clear in his own mind, he may be able to present them to the other party in such a way as to gain their acceptance. Misunderstandings may be, to a large extent, the result of a failure to communicate with those close to him. 

"While the Five of Diamonds holds the promise of renewed warmth and strength in a personal relationship, it also hints at loneliness and separation if the warning is ignored."


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