"The Five of Clubs warns that care must be taken to avoid a rift between friends. There is danger of a quarrel that will cause the Querent grief unless he takes steps to prevent it. This is not a lover's tiff or a disagreement between husband and wife. The quarrel is much more likely to be between the Querent and a person of his own sex unless a face card representing the opposite sex lies next to the The Five of Clubs.
"This card symbolizes rivalry, competition, strife and jealousy. It warns the Querent not to flaunt his own success or to resent the social success of others. Should the The Five of Clubs appear in the middle of the spread, the Querent may find hidden hostilities among his associates which he does not suspect. Unless he guards his temper and shows unusual consideration, he may suffer a social setback and alienate individuals whose friendship he cherishes. The prominence of the position of the card in the spread is an indication of the serious after-effects of a quarrel which may seem insignificant in its early stages.
"If the The Five of Clubs appears on the upper wings of the spread, the quarrel is one which can be avoided and the other cards in the wing should direct the Reader in guiding the Querent away from a situation which can only bring sorrow and regret.
"If the The Five of Clubs appears on the lower wings of the spread, the quarrel is much more likely to relate to a specific matter. In this case the ill will of another, not necessarily an intimate, may cause the Querent to be disappointed in some project of a social nature which is of importance to him. In the lower left wing, this lack of success may spring from a set of circumstances for which no one individual is responsible and, if this is the case, the Querent should be warned not to attempt to place blame. Actually a seeming loss of prestige may have beneficial results, which may be made known through the cards adjoining the The Five of Clubs."
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