"The Eight of Spades is a card of contentment. It represents a haven or refuge from worldly cares, a surcease from competition and trouble. It is a card of quiet pleasure, rest and relaxation. This calm joy may be found through the relationship with another person or it may be related to a place or some kind of activity such as a hobby or sport. The cards which surround the Eight should give the Reader some clues as to the nature of this benign force.
"However, the Eight of Spades represents only a facet of the Querent's life. It is not a total card. The comfort, the pleasure which lies within the Querent's grasp is a part-time thing, a segment of his life which is separated from the mainstream of his daily activities.
"The Querent should be warned against too great a dependency on this quiet pleasure. If he seeks to withdraw into a state of torpor and complete relaxation, thereby neglecting responsibilities, he may be due for a rude awakening in which he finds his world shattered.
"The pleasure is there for the taking but to keep his refuge safe, he should wall it off from the rest of his life and remain vigilant lest he become imprisoned by his own sybaritic tendencies."
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