"The Eight of Hearts is a gift which causes pleasure. Whether the gift is received by the Querent or given by him to another depends upon the place of the card in the spread. The gift is not necessarily material. It may be the gift of love, restored health, spiritual knowledge, wisdom or ease of mind. Whatever it is, the gift should not be ignored, because only to the extent that it is treasured will it give happiness.
"Where the Eight of Heart lies in the middle of the spread, an exchange of gifts is indicated. Herein the acceptance of the gift is of equal importance to giving with a free heart. The gifts may be symbolic, linking donor and recipient in the promise of a richer and more gratifying intimacy.
"When the Eight is in the upper left wing of the spread, the Querent will be the recipient of a gift which will have deep meaning for him if he makes the effort to understand its significance. If he spurns the gift or treats it lightly, his action may be followed by regret, for the gift can be the forerunner of many good things that can come his way.
"When the Eight of Hearts appears in the lower left wing of the spread, the gift is much more likely to have intrinsic value and to come from a source which is not intimately connected with the Querent's life.
"When the Eight is in the upper right-hand wing, the Querent will be the donor of the gift. If he gives openly and freely, without expectation of material reward, he will receive much gratification from the act. On the other hand, if he is prompted by greed, the gift may backfire and do him injury.
"When the Eight is in the lower left wing, the indication is that the Querent will be able to help, or do a service for, a relative stranger. By doing so, he will eventually be amply repaid.
"However, a warning should be issued to the Querent that the Eight of Hearts, when badly placed in the spread, can refer to a bribe, either offered or received. Such a gift should be rejected firmly lest it bring disgrace and ultimate tragedy to the recipient."
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