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Ace of Spades

"There is a common superstition that the Ace of Spades augurs death or tragedy.

"This is not true.

"The Ace of Spades represents tremendous force, power and strenghth.

"Whether this force operates for the benefit of the person whose future is being forecast, or against him, depends in large part upon the individual.

"Some guidance as to the nature of this force may be found in the position of the Ace in the spread and the cards which adjoin it. With the Ace of Spades, high achievement becomes possible. If the strength is contained in the Querent, he can hold it in leash and find an inward power to face all obstacles in his path. He should look forward to the future with courage and surging hope. Adventures of the mind and spirit are his for the asking.

"The Ace of Spades does represent a danger, too. Uncontrolled, the force can explode and destroy the Querent and those close to him. Where this Ace occurs, the Reader should explore its nature and prepare the Querent for rigid self-discipline and keen-sightedness in making beneficial use of the force at the opportune moment.

"If the Ace lies in the middle of the spread, the force will dominate the subject's life. He has been granted great curative powers and should do well in medicine, nursing or the allied fields. He has the capacity for leadership and should succeed in law, politics and other areas which demand dynamic energy. He is, however, likely to be plagued by narrow-mindedness, inflexibility and adherence to dogma. He should be encouraged to assume tolerant points of view and to dedicate his talents to his fellow men. He must curb his temper and his personal ambitions or else the force within him may become corrosive and bring about the enmity of other strong-willed individuals.

"If the Ace of Spades lies in the upper right portion of the spread, it represents an external force which he will encounter. He should be prepared to cope with this force and use it for his own ends. If he is able to do so, he will emerge from the experience as a person of greater stature who has attained an inner security by his increased knowledge of his own capacities.

"If the Ace lies in the upper left portion of the spread, the Querent may elect to bring this force into his life or to evade it. In this case the Reader should explore the capacities of the Querent to deal with new situations. The Reader may find that the Querent is on the brink of a decision. If he is timid, fearful and vacillating, he should be discouraged from making radical changes in his life patterns. On the other hand, if he is bold, self-assured and adventurous, unusual opportunities lie ahead for him. The decision must rest with the Querent, and he should weigh the risks of the course which he charts and decide for himself if he is ready to launch out on an interesting and challenging path, but one which is likely to be filled with hardships.

"If the Ace of Spades lies on the lower wings of the spread, it is much more likely to relate to a specific instance where force may be employed. The adjacent cards will provide some clue as to the nature of the force. In this case the Querent should brace himself to weather an emotional storm; to meet an unexpected, explosive situation; or to withstand pressures from an overbearing individual. Success in dealing with a difficult situation may turn out to his advantage.

"The life-giving force of the Ace of Spades is not evil. He who copes with it will find unexpected spiritual richness in his future."


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