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Ace of Diamonds

"The Ace of Diamonds is commonly thought to represent money. Actually, thus is a debasement of its original meaning. The Ace of Diamonds is the card of magic or wizardry. Inasmuch as magic and science were synonymous in arcane lore, the Ace of Diamonds may represent mathematical knowledge, engineering skill or a bent towards sciences such as astronomy, biology, archaeology and especially architecture. 

"Arcane knowledge also informs us that the seat of magic lies in the home. The true magician was a 'builder of houses.' The Ace of Diamonds is a card that represents constructive power. Through the centuries the spiritual wisdom attributed to the magician was gradually reduced to the chicanery of the juggler, the individual who could keep many balls in the air at the same time, who depended upon trickery to bedazzle and bewilder those about him. 

"The true magician is a builder of character. He transmits knowledge from higher sources. His influence does not lie in trickery but in his capacity to understand and interpret the life forces which surround him. "The Ace of Diamonds is not a card of ease, contentment or luxury, as sometimes supposed. It represents an unceasingly restless spirit and is the emblem of intellectual curiosity, energy and a dissatisfaction with life as it is, coupled with a desire to attain lofty objectives which will benefit mankind. 

"Because the original Tarot cards have been truncated into the current 52-card pack, the Ace of Diamonds represents a large range of meaning. At its best the presence of this card can indicate a selfless nobility of spirit dedicated to the welfare of humanity. At the opposite range of possibilities lies the self-seeking individual, clever and ruthless, able to turn every situation to his own advantage. Therefore, the Reader must proceed with extreme caution when the Ace of Diamonds is prominent in the spread. 

"The promise of creative power us present and, to the best of his knowledge, the Reader should guide the Querent into channels through which the greatest benefits may be derived from his talents. The youthful Querent should be encouraged to explore fields of science about which he is uninformed for her may find in such areas an absorbing lifetime interest. 

"The female Querent's 'magical powers' may lie within the home. By nature she is skillful organizer and may have the unrecognized capacity to influence others, especially in encouraging and developing the character, personality and skills of the young. She is an excellent teacher, but should be warned against a tendency to stress success instead of genuine accomplishment. 

"Where the Ace of Diamonds appears prominently in the spread of the adult male Querent, the indication is that he will soon have an opportunity to use his organizational skills to advantage. The 'house' which he builds may be a business structure, the reorganization of a department, the amalgamation of companies or advancement of scientific knowledge. 

"When the Ace of Diamonds appears in the upper left wing of the spread, the Querent should be alerted to keep his eyes open for an opportunity which offers, or appears to offer, high advantage to him. Without this forewarning the opportunity may escape his notice. However, if the Nine of Spades, Ten of Spades or Seven of Spades lies to the left of the Ace of Diamonds, he should be advised to proceed slowly lest some precipitate action on his part bring about a catastrophe. 

"When the Ace of Diamonds appears on the upper right wing of the spread, the indication is that the Querent has either already embarked on some venturous plan or will do so shortly. In such case, the other cards on the wing should be examined with care. If the Two of Spades lies to the left of the Ace of Diamonds, there is a warning of delay. If the Ten of Spades lies to the right of the Ace of Diamonds, the Querent should be advised to consider other patterns of procedure. On the other hand, if Hearts or Clubs lie in close juxtaposition to the Ace of Diamonds, the promise is that some plan will have a happy and fruitful issue. 

"Inherent in the Ace of Diamonds is an irrevocable force. The Querent who seizes the opportunities offered by the Ace may find his life patterns changed. Usually these opportunities include financial benefits. However, embracing them may mean the sacrifice of values which, in the long run, are more deeply cherished. The Reader may find indication in the spread that a total absorption in some project may lead to losses in other areas. Where this is so, this possibility should be drawn to the attention of the Querent."


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