"The Ace of Clubs is a card of talent. It tells of high hopes and ambitions and denotes strong passions, imagination, energy and the power to communicate with others. Inherent in the card, however, is the suggestion that promises are unfulfilled, talents unchanneled, and the maximum of creativity jeopardized by inner turmoil.
"When the Ace of Clubs is centrally located in the spread, it intimates that the Querent has been given high gifts of artistic creation, intuitive power, forces that spring not only from the mind but also from mystic sources. His imagination will be vivid and he will have the power to express his images through authorship in the larger sense, which may include communication through the written word, art, music, the ministry and a variety of other channels.
"However, the Ace of Clubs also warns of the possibility of chaos. Too many drives may nullify one another, preventing the success of any. Keenness of mind, sharp perceptions and vividness of imagery may fail to serve useful purposes unless they can be given concrete shape.
"The Ace of Clubs indicates a quickness of mind which is often accompanied by a failure to understand the limitations of others; an artistic temperament which thrusts aside practicalities; imaginative heights which lure their author away from solid accomplishment. For these reasons, the Querent should be urged to organize his activities and to perfect his plans lest he become a dabbler in the arts instead of a creative artist.
"In arcane lore, the Ace of Clubs is sometimes linked with the nomad or wanderer who moves restlessly with the seasons, delighting in each day without thought of the future. Conversely, other arcane sources designate the Ace of Clubs as the master builder with the power to control the movements of the moon and sun and to change the pattern of the stars in the sky. In each case, the sense of exaltation is present and there are indications that the Querent who finds this card in his spread will enjoy travel, quick changes and variety, and that he will be deeply moved by beauty. Whether he controls these shifting forces or lets himself be carried willy-nilly through life depends upon the character and personality of the Querent.
"The Reader should be guided in his advice to the Querent by the cards surrounding the Ace of Clubs. Where Hearts predominate in the spread, there is a warning of hedonism and a suggestion that the Querent may not have developed his talents because of his pleasures in daily living. Where Clubs dominate the spread, an interest and enjoyment in people and social activities may prevent full development of artistic skills. Diamonds indicate that material rewards may be gained by the exercise of latent talents. Spades may warn that the Querent is too easily discouraged by minor setbacks. A well-balanced spread promises increased pleasure and spiraling rewards through creative activity."
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